France, Here I Come!

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"I really wish we could hang out some more," I complained. "I'm starting to regret wanting to go back to France again."

"Girl, don't fret," Samantha said as she hopped onto Lucas's lap. "It's not like you can't call us or anything."

"...I know."

Isabella came to sit next to me. She was Samantha's best friend, but it didn't stop her from hanging around me every chance she got. When Sam was busy with her boyfriend, all you got were the rest of us. Besides Natalia. She and Jonathan were always with each other. Too busy to hang out with their friends.

"Is Marcus not coming by?" she asked.

"Oh, he is. Just not right now." I sighed.

"Ruby, there isn't anything going on, is there? Did you guys have a fight or something?"

"...No. I wouldn't exactly call it a fight. Just a little disagreement."

Isabella rolled her eyes and began coaxing me to go with her to the kitchen. Sam and Lucas were locked in a kiss, so they wouldn't even notice us leaving. Jade, Samantha's half-sister, was in the kitchen looking at her phone. She was smiling, so I knew it was something good. At least one of us is having a good time.

"Hey, girls," she greeted. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Isabella began looking through the cabinets. "Do you guys not have anything to eat?"

"No. Mama said she was going to the store an hour ago. Knowing her, she's probably talking up a storm right now."

Jade and Sam's mom was known for her big mouth. She could talk and talk and talk and would never run out of anything to talk about. If you didn't know any better, you could end up speaking to her in the produce section about flowers and planting in the right season. Or the clothing section talking about grandkids.

I looked at my watch and frowned. There was no way it was almost time for me to go. We didn't spend that much time at the fair. Man, I swear time was not on my side today. So much for seeing Marcus. I'll just call him and tell him I have to go.

"I gotta go," I said. "I didn't realize how late it was. You know how busy the airport can get."

"It's fine, Ruby." Jade finally looked up and smiled at me. "Just make sure you send us pictures or else."

"I will. And I'll call after I land."

"The last time you said that was exactly two years ago, and you forgot." Isabella shook her head. "What was your excuse again? You forgot and went to sleep?"

"What? It was a long car ride. I would have taken the train, but I really missed the scenery."

"It doesn't matter what time it is over there," Jade said. "We want you to call us. It's not easy being without our baby for two months."

"I'm not a baby."

"You're our baby. You better not forget to call us this time."


"And you're sure you have everything?" Mom asked. "I don't want you to forget anything."

"I have everything, Mama." I kissed her cheek. "I've never forgotten anything in my life."

"Says the girl who almost didn't say goodbye to her boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes and looked around the busy terminal. So what if Marcus almost didn't get a farewell from me? He was the one being a jerk. First, he can't wait for me to leave. Then, he gets angry when I refuse to look him in the eye and say I'll miss him. I won't. I know I won't. Not this time. There's something that's nagging me, but I can't exactly say what it is.

"Flight 707, heading for Lyon, France, is boarding now. Please, make your way to gate C7. Thank you for flying with Delta Airlines and enjoy your flight."

"That's me, Mama." I pulled her into a hug. "Hopefully the flight won't be too long."

"Now you have fun. Don't get into any trouble, okay?" She pushed me back at arm's length and smiled.

"I won't. Promise."

Dad didn't seem to care that I was leaving. Something I'd gotten used to ever since I started traveling on my own.

"She's not going to die," he muttered. "Can you hurry it up? We have places to be tomorrow."

"I'll be fine, Mama. Renée will send you a text whenever I get there. Bye, Dad." I picked up my carry-ons and flashed him a smile.

"Mhm, whatever."

He walked off before I could say anything more. Mom kissed my cheek and ran off after him. I sighed and turned towards the gate. I never would have thought this would be the last time I'd be in the United States for another three years. The last time I would see both of my parents. Together. I never thought I'd miss them as much as I did. Until I didn't.

Luckily, there didn't seem to be many people heading to Lyon today. After waiting in line for a good ten minutes, I finally made it to the front. The attendant checked my plane ticket and passport. She kept looking at me like I wasn't who I said I was. Maybe it's because I actually dressed up for my picture, but I look like a hobo right now. Eh, what can I say?

She finally smiled at me and handed me my ticket and passport. "Have a good day and enjoy your flight."

"Thank you." I nodded at her and began walking down the hallway to my plane. Not many people seemed to be in a hurry to board. I, for one, was ready. I wanted to get my bags in an overhead bin before there was no space. I learned my lesson from the last time I was here.

Once I got on the plane, it wasn't that hard to find my seat. I'm so glad my parents cared about my flight comforts. I struggled putting my bag in the overhead bin. The next thing I know, there's someone pushing my bag in, shoving theirs in, then closing the bin. I didn't want to see who it was, so I muttered a quick thank you and sat down. What I didn't expect was for that same person to ask me to shift so they could take the window seat.

It was awkward for a few minutes. I refused to breathe in his direction. I hate meeting strangers. I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders talking to them.

"I'm not going to bite you," he said. "Could you at least look at me?"

I held back a snarky comment and looked at him. Boy, I was not prepared for the beauty I saw in front of me. I'm sure my mouth dropped open slightly.

"I'm Cameron." He smiled.

"Ruby." I smiled back.

"Are you from here?"

"Yes. Are you?"

"No. Beverly Hills. I was visiting some family."

Then why is he flying to France? Is his family rich or something? Sometimes I can just barely afford flights to Eureka to visit my aunts and uncles.

"So...why are you flying to France?" I asked. "I'm visiting my cousins."


Oh? Well, this certainly can't get anymore awkward.

"It's not what you think. She's currently visiting family and I've decided to surprise her," he said. "It's nice to have a change of scenery every once in a while. I haven't been to France in a while."

"I'm sure she's going to be happy to see you."

"I sure hope so."



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