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Everyone turned to the entrance to find Katherine in a dress I recognized almost immediately. How the heck did she come across it? I stood up and caught her eye. She winked at me with a small smile on her face. Ooh, I'm going to have a talk with her later.

"Is this the main piece in your collection?"

I swear if she lied and said it was, I was going to murder her.

"Actually, it was made by a dear friend of mine," she said.

"Is that friend here?"

"She is. Ruby." Katherine extended her hand towards me and raised a brow suggestively. The cameras turned to me. I smiled. "This is the only dress made by Ruby Dominguez before she started her cosmetics company."

I walked over to her and allowed our picture to be taken. Of course, I worked day and night to make a dress I never thought would make it into a fashion show. Katherine said she wanted it, but I didn't think she would do something like this. Honestly, if I had known she'd show it off today, I don't think I would have allowed her to do it.

"Surprise," she whispered in my ear.

I'm going to murder her.

It didn't take long for the event to end. I couldn't leave fast enough before the reporter caught up to me. Ugh, I couldn't possibly live like Katherine. People here are so straightforward. Kinda scary, but at least it gets the work done.

"Ruby Dominguez, what have you been up to lately?"

"Uh, nothing much. I've been around looking for other places to set up shop."

"Why are you in France? Did you come to support your friend?"

"Yes. I'm always going to be here for Katherine."

"Move it, people!" Katherine pushed through the reporters and took my hand. She began running for the front doors. Gosh, this girl is crazy.

Instead of heading to my car, she took off down the sidewalk. People jumped out of our way. I couldn't help but laugh. I've never had to run from the media. They're always trying to avoid me. I don't know what that's about. Could be the work of Lucas, but he would have told me.

We ended up losing them in a diner. We watched as some of them ran through the crowd past the diner. We were still laughing, so we didn't notice the stares we were getting. I've never gotten comfortable with people staring at me. When I finally noticed, I dragged Katherine to an empty table and we ordered something to eat.

"Salut, bienvenue chez Marley. Qu'est ce que je peux vous servir?" The waitress seemed to notice who Katherine was. It's good she isn't being rude.

"Oh, hi again, Lola," Katherine greeted her. "Vous connaissez mon habitude. Je suppose que Ruby me fait confiance et veut commander la même chose."

Yeah, I trust her a little too much. I'm happy with anything but a salad.

The waitress began writing it down and asked what we wanted to drink.

"Water, please. Another day trying to escape the reporters. Why don't you join us afterwards?"

"Je ne peux pas cette fois, mademoiselle. Déjeuner pressé." I can't this time, Miss. Lunch rush.

I didn't want anyone to join us anyway. I'm a nice person, but Katherine is my best friend. I haven't seen her in years. There's no way I'm going to share her after seeing her for the first time in forever. Lola looks like a kind person, but I don't have time to get to know someone new.

" have you been?" Katherine asked. "I haven't had the time to check your Instagram."

"Oh, everything's been the same," I said. "Not much that's been happening lately."

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