Dissociative Prick

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"So...how do you like it there?" Samantha exclaimed, pushing Jade out the screen.

"Ugh, don't get me started," I muttered. "I've been here only...two days and everyone is acting like nothing ever changed. Lin is the only one good to me. I'm not even going to talk about Renée."

"What about Roberto?" She winked at me.

I knew she was going to ask about him. The guy I'd been talking nonstop about a week before I was due to leave. The guy was crazy. He thought he could get anything he wanted since he had the face that made every girl swoon over him. Not me. I wasn't going to be tricked by him. Or any guy for that matter. I just couldn't. Relationships are overrated. Hopefully turning 18 will open my eyes more to the stupidity around me.

"Baise-le. He isn't worth my time," I snapped. "I thought I was coming back to my best friend, but...he's just...weird."

"Weird, how?"

"He indirectly threatened me earlier this morning. Nothing he's ever done when I hung out with him two years ago."

"Do I need to come over there and show him how we roll?" Isabella asked, placing herself in my view. "You know I'll come to your aid."

"He hasn't put his hands on me. I don't think he ever will, but I can't deal with him. If he wasn't friends with my cousins, I'd ask him to never come over again."

"Speak to your cousins about it. I'm sure they'll understand."

"...And probably give me a weird explanation for why he's acting like that. I'll catch you guys later. My cousins just got back." I looked out the window and sighed. "And they love him, so it would be fruitless to say something."

"Catch you on the flip side, Ruby," Natalia yelled from across the room. "Love you, babe!"

"Love you, too."

"See ya, Rubes. If he does anything else stupid, just phone either one of us." Samantha blew me a kiss.

They hung up. I smiled to myself and tossed my phone on the bed. It's better I be without it for some time. I already have to process what happened earlier with my mom and Roberto. There's no need for any other distractions.

"Hey, Dahling, could you join us downstairs?" Melinda called from downstairs. "It's urgent."

Urgent, my behind.

I made my way downstairs, forgetting my phone as I had planned. Whoever wanted to get a hold of me would have to wait until I got back. Melinda greeted me at the bottom of the staircase and led me into the living room. The one place I'd come to hate since I'd gotten here. I sat down without a word. They should start talking.

"Ruby...I know what Roberto did yesterday and this morning," Melinda began. "Renée told me everything. I'm going to apologize on his behalf."

"You don't need to apologize. He does," I assured my cousin.

"No, I assure you that you need to know everything from us. We know him better than he knows himself."


Renée suggested she leave the room, because I'm sure she knew I wouldn't like anything she'd have to say. Melinda let her go and stared at me. I didn't want to know what she was talking about, but I think it was crucial that I knew.

"I know he came onto you yesterday when you went out. Angela called and told me she saw it after...you were arguing. I also know you don't seem to like him like that." Melinda sighed. "And today--I don't know how to react--but I'm so sorry about what he said to you. I promise you that when he's in his right mind, I'll have him apologize to you."

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