Your Own Fault

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I rolled over to find Joël sleeping. Melinda and Renée said they would take him out later, but I doubt that will happen. They've been working at the hospital since earlier this morning. If I were them, I wouldn't want to do anything after getting home. It's wholesome that they want to spend as much time as they can with him. You never know what's gonna happen at the end of the day.

After showering and getting dressed, Joël was still asleep. It's a wonder how he's comfortable here. New places always make me restless. I decided to write a note for him, so he wouldn't panic when he sees me gone. Lucas is out with some people he met when he landed. I never asked who they were, and I honestly don't care. As long as he doesn't meet Joël before it's time, I'm fine with leaving the house for a couple of minutes.

The walk to the treehouse felt longer than it had been years ago. I was expecting to see rotting boards and algae covering the pond, but it looked well taken care of. Like someone was making sure it didn't go to waste. The gazebo looked freshly painted and the treehouse had a few new additions. At this point, I don't think it can be called a treehouse. It's practically an apartment.

I walked around the tree and sighed in content. Still as beautiful as it was when I left. The sun is barely up, but everything looks so bright. I turned around and looked up at the treehouse. The lights were off. Kinda surprising, though I wouldn't be surprised if Roberto was here. He could never leave this place. I stalked his Instagram for a while and there was never a day he wasn't here.

I finally decided to go up. Dr. Alexy told me about how they took everything in the rooms Roberto had locked. Apparently he had journals that described what he did in his free time. Most of them were so extreme, Dr. Alexy refused to tell me about them. He was definitely sick. All of that could have put him in jail or made him into a mental case, but his aunt wasn't having it. Roberto's uncle was a lawyer, but pleading insanity was the last thing he wanted Roberto to do.

Hm. Everything is practically the same up here. Nothing out of place. Nothing has changed. I wonder if he really hangs out here. Melinda probably doesn't care, considering he wasn't messing with her and Renée. How long is it going to take her to see the lies he's been feeding her? When the truth finally comes out, she might feel guilty about not believing us. I don't want that to happen.

I began roaming around the treehouse, looking at everything like I was seeing it for the first time. The glass room was as quiet as ever. If I didn't have to go back to Joël, I definitely would have stayed there for a while. I made my way back to the sitting area and looked around for a few seconds.

"Huh, what's that?" I bent down to get a piece of paper sticking out from under the bean bag I sat in on multiple occasions. Did Roberto put it there and forgot about it? No, it couldn't have been him. He liked everything clean. Nothing has ever been out of place here.

*If you're reading this, then it's probably too late.

Roberto knows what happened and he might come for you.

The night we raided the treehouse, he was just coming back from a night out.

The scene was absolutely horrendous.

I wanted to warn you to never come back to the treehouse.

He's always watching. No matter how much we try to keep him away.*

What? Roberto got crazier?

*We tried getting him help, but he doesn't want it.

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