Being Wary of Those Who Care

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I didn't know what to think of what I'd just gone through with Lucas and I in my bathroom. I was stunned the entire ride over to his house. He was too excited to show me where he was living, so I couldn't tell him no. He'd already forced his way into my home and told me he had a long time crush on me. I don't know what's worse: him liking me and using my best friend to get close to me. Or me liking him and finding out he's had a crush on me before he started dating my best friend.

Mom wouldn't be proud of me if she knew what was going on. If she even cared what was going on. It's been nearly two years since the last time she contacted me. I was already a French high school graduate and didn't receive a present from her. Or congratulations. I doubt Dad knows how old I am anymore. It's not like he's cared about me for the past five years.

"We're here," Lucas announced. I looked through the windshield at the small house in front of us. It wasn't bad. "I'll go in first. You can come in whenever you like. I'm not rushing you."


Lucas got out of the car and rushed to his front door. Once he was inside, I made sure none of his neighbors were outside. I've come across too many people who know my dad. If they saw how I looked, they'd think I was in a toxic relationship and snitch on the wrong person. I pulled the bib of my cap lower and got out of the car. I timidly made my way to his front door, opening it slowly to mentally prepare myself.

"I don't have a roommate, if that's what you're thinking," Lucas said as I closed the front door. "Even if I did, they would probably be working or out with friends. Have a seat, Ruby."

I stared at him as he came towards me. He took my arm and brought me to an empty spot on one of his suspiciously expensive looking couches. Lucas sat next to me and grabbed a first aid kit that was sitting on his coffee table. Why was he caring too much about me?

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I told you I like you. What more do you want me to say?" Lucas chuckled. "Sit still, Ruby."

"You're being secretive."

"I'm not. Trust me, you'd know if I was being secretive. This will burn, but only for a few seconds."

I flinched hard when the ointment made contact with the cuts on my face. Lucas only grunted and continued doing what he was doing. I get it, he was trying to get me to admit I still liked him. I'll only admit that he's cute, but I'm not trying to get into another relationship. The one I had with Roberto was a bust. There's no way I'm going to jump into another as fast as I did last time.

"Tell me about the school in France. How was it?" Lucas asked.

"I was homeschooled," I muttered. "It was my only option when I got bullied for falling under the spell of my boyfriend."

"What do you mean?"

"He's sick. He was very manipulative even when he was in his right mind. When you get tricked too many times by someone like's easy for other people to get into your head and make you feel worthless."

"Well, how was it being homeschooled?"

I went silent as Lucas continued treating me. He didn't push me to say anything, but I knew he wanted to know how I liked France. What I didn't want him to know was that I didn't want to go back. When your ex is roaming the place you're staying, and his aunt hates your guts, it's the last place you'd want to go back to.

"I had a friend who was my teacher," I said. "She helped me through a lot. Too much to say she was just my teacher. I was bored most of the time I was in school, but she made the experience worthwhile."

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