Someone Is Always Watching

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After meeting with Jordan, I was sworn into secrecy. Jordan made me promise I wouldn't tell anyone about his job and wouldn't even mention his name to anyone who wasn't my mom. It was an easy secret to keep. Lucas kept asking about him, but the more I deflected his questions, the less he seemed interested in him. I think he might have thought I was too embarrassed to speak about him. I'll let him think that for as long as I can.

Mom wanted to know all about him. I wanted her to feel bad for thinking he was a bad guy, but I knew she was dying to know how he was. It was a little disappointing to know that she knew he was married. I thought maybe she was still in love with him in some way. Either she's good at hiding her feelings or she's truly happy for him. I'm sure she smirked when I told her he didn't have any children with the woman.

That night, Jordan had given me a small box. Of course, I was curious to know what was inside it. When I made it back to my apartment in Los Angeles, I hurried through my night routine. My curiosity got the best of me and I found myself tearing it open and dumping the contents on my bed, still wearing my face mask.

Two checks fluttered out. Along with a letter and locket. What dad gives a locket to a daughter he hasn't seen in years? That's a little suspicious, but I was willing to accept anything from him at that point. I'd given my mom one of the checks Jordan had addressed to her for a little over half a million dollars. I didn't really gawk at the amount, because I'd seen half a million before. What made me almost lose it was the amount addressed to me. What the heck was I supposed to do with two million dollars?!

I ended up bawling my eyes out that night. Never had I ever been so moved by someone who didn't mean that much to me until now. Someone I didn't even know existed for so long. Why was I receiving such treatment when I clearly didn't deserve it? There's so much I could do with that type of money. Paying for college was the least of my worries now. I was practically given a head start for a good future.

"Are you okay, Ruby?" Jade waved a hand in my face. "You kind of zoned out again."

"What? I'm totally fine." I focused on the paper in front of me. "What makes you think I'm not fine?"

"You've been really out of it since you met your dad. You won't let me touch your locket or even remind you that your tuition deadline is coming up. If anything's wrong, I'll say you're too distracted about what happened. So, tell me, what happened with your dad, Ruby?"

"What happened? Nothing bad happened. I've just been distracted by work. I assure you nothing's wrong with me."

"So, something did happen? Tell me, Ruby."

"...I told you--"

"Tell me or I'll tell your mom you need money for student loans."

My head snapped up from my paper. I glared at Jade. Of course, she was going to tell my mom I needed money. I have a job for a reason, but she doesn't know about the money Jordan gave me. What if I tell her? Would that jeopardize my relationship with Jordan? I don't want to test that, but I know for a fact Jade is the most trustworthy in our friend group. There's a lot I've told her the other girls still don't know about.

"Promise you won't tell anyone," I demanded.

"What do you take me as?" Jade's mouth dropped open. "Do you not trust me?"

"Just promise you won't. This isn't something I want anyone else knowing. I trust you, Jade. Honestly."

"...Fine. I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye."

The library wasn't that full anymore, but I couldn't take any chances. Anyone could be listening to us right now. I didn't want to text it to her, because deleting messages would do no good if someone really wanted to find out what I told her. I looked around us, checking for signs that someone was trying to eavesdrop or was watching us. Couldn't have anyone trying to read my lips.

"So..." I leaned over to whisper in her ear. "He wrote me a check for $2 million..."

Jade froze and a smile slowly spread across her face. I could tell she was excited about this. I, for one, was not. I didn't want the money, but I needed it badly. She wouldn't say anything, but I knew she could go smiling like this for days. People would want to know what she was so happy about. Now she'll have to make up something. Why was she even happy?

"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked.

"Is that why you don't like your mom interfering with anything money related?" she hissed.

"...No. That's not even close."

"Why then?"

"She always assumes I'm going to need her help for the rest of my life. I love her and all, but the last thing she needs to know is me being richer than her."

"True. She can overreact a bit." Jade sucked in a breath. "Well, I'm gonna head out. My date from last time went great, so we're going out for drinks tonight."

"Be safe. I don't want you running off again."

"You're so funny, Ruby. Make sure you get home safe. It's not okay to drive so late at night."

"My apartment isn't that far away!"

"You're tired. If it were up to me, I'd drive you home, but I know how you feel about me helping you."

We said our goodbyes and Jade left me alone. The silence of the library was too much. How could one place be so loud, but so quiet? I began packing up my things not too long after Jade had gone. My mind wandered to the money I hadn't touched and the letter Jordan had written me. How had I won the favor of a man I just met? Was this something he'd planned to do the moment he had a chance to meet me?

"You look a bit preoccupied," Jordan noted.

"Because, I am," I muttered.

Wait! Jordan? What's he doing here?

I looked around the library to make sure no one was around. How did he know I was here? Did he follow me? If so, then he must know where I live now.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" I hissed. "I thought you flew back home."

"I told you I had a bit of business to take care of here." He grinned at me. "I hope I'm not disturbing you, Ruby."

"Were you following me?"

"Sorry about that. I had to know if I could really trust you. No offense, but there are a lot of people out there who would want to know anything you know about me. I just wanted to see if you would blab."

"I'm offended you would even suggest I'm a snitch."

I stood up and picked up my bookbag. I needed to leave before I got offended for real. It only makes sense he followed me. I would follow him if I felt I couldn't really trust him.

"I'm sorry, Ruby," he said. "I hope I didn't make you angry with you. It's a habit I've picked up."

"No, not at all." I smiled up at him. "You did what you had to do. Although, you could make up for it by taking me out to dinner. I am sort of hungry."

"Of course. What are you craving tonight? Chinese? Mexican? Indian? I know a really good Thai place not too far from here."

So he can handle a little spice? My smile faded into a smirk, and I'm more than sure he noticed. The smile on his face seemed to drop a bit, but he managed to keep himself under control. Of course, I was going to test his limits. Spicy foods were my thing. I'm sure he could handle it.

"Actually, Dad...I know a really good restaurant you would absolutely love."


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