𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟖

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3rd POV

  The large blue sky spanned beyond what they could see. The sun shone its rays of light on them past the white clouds. Birds soared in the air. Eren looked up at the sky, the audible sound of water hitting shore heard over his thoughts.

Beyond the wall, there's a sea, or so Armin said...

He lowered his head, trying to look past the vast body of water.

But past the sea...I always wondered what's beyond that...


Wood was chopped in half, the two chunks flying off to the side and landing on the ground to be picked up. An ax raised into the air and slammed down when a new log of wood was put in front of him.

"Don't go so hard on yourself, you're still healing."

Mikasa looked over to his left, seeing Y/n who stood there with logs of wood. Y/n walked to him and placed her wood on the ground. She had been helping him gather wood as they conversed until she noticed he was adding more force than he should be.

Wiping her hands on her past knee-length skirt, she stood in front of Mikasa. The teen lowered his ax and sheepishly made eye contact with Y/n.

"I don't want to go soft, I've been laying in bed for long enough. I need to keep my body in shape." Mikasa told her. Y/n narrowed her eyes and came closer to him.

"Even if you feel better, you shouldn't force your body to work as it did before. Give it time." Smiling she cupped his face in her hands. Mikasa grew red. "I think we've gathered enough firewood for today, how about we head inside?" Y/n suggested, tilting her head to the side.

Mikasa raised his free hand and cupped her hand. Without thinking he shifted his head and kissed her palm. Resting it there he took in her warmth before letting go, realizing what he did. He had been so flustered just seconds ago, yet when Y/n held him, he felt like he was in a trance.

Y/n's cheeks heated up.

It's been a few days since they kissed each other, confessing their feelings as Mikasa believed they were near death's door. He was glad they weren't, he could hold her now, knowing she felt the same. Yet, they haven't kissed since then. They grew shy when thinking about it, they haven't even declared themselves boyfriend and girlfriend.

The most they could do was hold hands (which they often did before) and kiss anywhere but on the lips.

Past this, they accepted the fact they loved each other. They planned on staying together side by side as they always did. But the idea of doing more than they already did— made them bashful.

Y/n pulled her hand away and held the hand he kissed. "I-I'll get the firewood." She told him, spinning around to get the wood she placed down. Mikasa stuttered out an 'okay' as he swung the ax over his shoulder. Getting some of the leftover wood into his hold.

Standing next to each other they walked into the cabin with a creak of the door. "We're back," Y/n announced, heading to the almost empty pile of firewood that sat next to the fireplace. Mikasa followed behind her.

"You guys actually chopped wood? I thought you were using it as an excuse to make out behind the cabin." Connie teased, making a kissing sound while hugging himself in the kitchen. Didn't take long for Mikasa to hold his face in embarrassment.

"That's not what we did—"

"Oh my god, Connie! For the last time, Mikasa and I aren't making out! LEAVE US ALONE!" Y/n shouted, covering her face with her hands and cutting off Mikasa. Connie snorted and pointed a finger at her.

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