𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐

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3rd POV

  "When the Colossal Titan vanished, whoever was inside had been wearing maneuvering gear, so that they could escape in the steam." Erwin started. "Don't you think the same possibility applies here?" Asking, Hange glanced at Erwin in the corner of her eyes.

"But at the time...Based on what we saw when Eren and Y/n emerged from the titan, we concluded it would be impossible. Their equipment was destroyed, and their uniform was gone. Above all, they were so weak, they couldn't even stand unassisted." Hange told him.

"The Female Titan was able to attract other titans with its cry. We failed to predict this, and the operation failed. If titan abilities vary depending on skill, it was a mistake to use the Jaegers, total novices, as the basis for our assumptions. If we are to outwit our enemy, we'll need to think outside the box."


Jean rode his horse beside Armin, the two, along with the others, leaving the forest. "If we're withdrawing, does that mean the mission succeeded?" He asked, his eyes set on Armin.

"If so, then we may already know who was inside the Female Titan." He answered, giving Jean a glance before taking his eyes back on the path. Jean narrowed his eyes, the memory of earlier today crossed his mind. "I'd like to see who it is...But why was the Commander so sure that the enemy would come after Y/n and Eren if they left the walls?"

Armin stayed quiet for a second, "I think it's because, for some reason, they suddenly stopped their advance in the midst of their assault." He said, making Jean lift a brow in question.


"Even though they managed to break through Trost's gate, they didn't even try for the inner gate. And when Eren sealed the gate, they let him. It could mean that they now have bigger concerns..." Armin explained, his mind thinking back to the battle of Trost.

"Bigger concerns?" Sweat-dropping Jean kept his eyes on the blond-haired boy.

"Something more important to them than breaching the walls. Something unexpected that happened."

Jean gasped, "Their transformation into a titan?!" He gasped out. Armin nodded his head. "I think it's the only answer."

"Then...That means..." Jean stuttered out words, lowering his gaze he couldn't believe this.

"Someone who was there, who saw Eren and Y/n transform, is the titan."


As Eren and Y/n hanged still, they were pulled forward by the Oluo. "Onward!" He yelled as he threw them forward. Gasping- Y/n quickly went to attach her hook onto a tree. She tried not to look back at Gunther's corpse. In front of her, she saw the hooded figure fly by. Everyone saw them. But then they maneuvered behind the group.

"Who's there?" Petra shouted out.

"Protect Eren and Y/n! Damn it, what do we do? Shit, Eld, where should we go? There isn't time to reach the horses!" Oluo asked, looking past his shoulder to see the soldier. "Head for HQ, as fast as you can!" Eld said.

Y/n groaned- a wave of pain washed over her. "Is it from the Female Titan? Or is there more than one?" Oluo asked.

"Damn it! How dare you?! Come at me! I'll defeat you, even if it kills me!" Petra threatened, turning on her wires where she could face the soldier. Eren gawked, Female Titan?! Impossible...Why? Didn't we catch it?! He thought. Near him, Y/n started shaking as she did when the Female Titan chased them. The sense of being in danger was getting strong and her instinct told her to run away again. Her fight or flight response was getting out of control.

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