𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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3rd POV

Rico landed on a roof, a teammate of hers landing near. "Captain, we're finished!" The teammate cried, looking ahead at a titan who ate one of their teammates. "We're the last ones left!" They yelled.

Rico bit down on her jaw. "Fall back to the boulder!" She yelled.

Over at another spot Ian asked about the situation.

"Five titans, coming from the gate!" A soldier informed.

Jean watched as the titan walked away from the house. Gulping down his nerves he took his chance and quickly sprinted out the house and towards the laying corpse. He had already removed his gear so it would be quicker to put on the new one, however, this put him in more danger.

"I can't wait till they're gone! No way!" Shouting to himself he began to undo the maneuver gear on the corpse.

"Jean!" At the top of the wall, Connie watched Jean, "His maneuver gear is busted." He muttered, to his left Annie watched in worry as well. The two of them catching the attention of Marco. "What's wrong?" Marco asked them, gazing over at what they had their eyes set on.

"Damn!" Cursing, Jean struggled to remove the belt the gear was attached to. "What's wrong with it? Damn it...Not now!" Yelling louder he caught the attention of the titan he had run away from.

"Jean! Calm down!" Marco told him, appearing behind the titan the freckled boy made sure the titan had its eyes on him. "Marco! What are you doing?" Jean asked. Marco didn't answer and bounced down to the ground, running away from Jean to lead away the titan. Giving Jean the time he needed to take the maneuver gear. Thankfully Jean succeed and pulled off the gear.

As he put it on Connie and Annie ran on top of roofs as they made their way over to Jean. "Jeez...Don't be such a pain in the ass!" Connie complained.

Jean jumped up into the air and much to his luck the gear he grabbed was manageable. That was until he became unstable and crashed back onto the pavement. "Damn, why is the trigger so hard to pull?" Cursing once more he heard the footsteps of a titan get closer to him. Checking behind him he gasped at how close the titan was.

"Jean!" Connie yelled, zipping his way over he planned to take care of the titan. Instead, he crashed his legs against the titan, flipping over to the next building. "Ow!" Jean furrowed his brows in secondhand embarrassment.

"What the hell was that?!"

"Look who's talking?" Connie said, rubbing his legs from the hard impact. "Hurry and get out of here!" Shouting out Connie jumped out of the way, a hand destroying the spot he stood at. Jean listened to him and made a run for it, leaping into the air he used his gear once more. Avoiding a titan just in time. Glancing down at it Jean noticed something ahead of him. Gasping when a titan threw itself down at him.

Thinking that he was done for, Annie came in to save him. Cutting its nape off Jean flew towards the wall. His gear scraped against ceiling tile he launched himself high above the roofs, shifting his weight to one side he braced himself for impact. Harshly landing on the wall he gave it a second before yelling.

"You're insane!"

"You're the crazy one! Can't believe I survived that..." Connie screamed, putting his hand against his chest he felt like his life flashed before his eyes.

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