𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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3rd POV

"I came up with a way that'd only half-kill you." Levi pointed to the chalkboard, holding white chalk in his hand he drew a person. "I said I'd only be able to stop you two as a titan if I killed you. But this method would only badly wound you. Of course, it relies on the squad's skill. The idea is to cut you right out of the titan's neck." Putting lines around the drawing he tapped on the limbs. (Y/n confesses that it was the worst drawing she has ever seen) "We'd end up cutting the ends of your arms and legs off, but they'd just grow back like a lizard's...Creepy." He muttered.

Y/n tilted her head, she didn't like the sound of losing her legs again. But it was better than getting killed...Then again Y/n originally died after losing her legs. Holding her chin she thought about Levi's method.

"Wait. I don't even know how they grow back." Eren shook his head at the idea. Y/n did as well.

"Well, since we can transform into titans, we have the titan regeneration. After all, I don't think legs and eyes heal by themselves. But...Isn't there some other way?" Y/n asked. Levi stared blankly at her.

"You're saying you don't want there to be any danger or sacrifice?"

She jumped back, "Uh, no..."

"Then just resolve yourself. We will, too. The danger for us is that you two might kill us. Taking out two titans will be hard, that's why both of you can't turn into your titans at the same time. Don't worry."



In the corner of the room, Hange sat on a couple of crates. In front of a window, the light hit her back. It made her look rather suspicious. "Th-Then, I can do experiments?" She stuttered. Levi glanced over at her. "It's very risky. But that doesn't mean that we can't use them to investigate." Levi answered.

"I can be in charge of planning this, right? Eren. Y/n. If there's something you don't understand, learn to understand it. It's well worth any risk to our lives." She told them.


Out in a field, Hange, Levi, and Y/n looked down a well. A ladder made of rope was sent down, Eren already at the bottom of the well. "Ready, Eren? When it's prepared, I'll use the smoke round to notify you. After that, any decisions are up to you." Hange yelled down the well. Eren nodded his head and raised his arm high up. "Rodger!" He shouted. Smiling to herself Hange trotted over to her horse. Opening a bag she pulled out a sketchpad and pencil.

"Here, Y/n. Moblit told me you have a talent for art. I need you to draw the moment Eren transforms and when he's stuck in the well!" Hange handed the sketchpad to her. Y/n heated up in the face, she wouldn't say she had talent anymore. Maybe when she was a kid she had skill but after five years of no major improvement, she believed she lacked the skill for this.

"Hm, Ms. Hange, I don't think you should leave this to me." Y/n muttered, Hange heard as she got on her horse.

"Nonsense! If Moblit says you're good then you must be! Hurry up, we need to start." The older woman smiled and rode her horse off a short distance away from the well.

Sighing the girl glanced down at the sketchpad, it was brand new. The memory of her father buying her art supplies ran past her mind. Her tenth birthday specifically, that had to be the best birthday. Everyone she loved was there, any years before it, Mikasa wasn't there, any years after, her parents weren't there. The present Mikasa gave her came up to mind. A small plush doll that Mikasa made for her.

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