𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

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3rd POV

  Two hours earlier, before the titans had the Scouts surrounded, the soldiers had searched around the ruins. That was when they found a campfire with tins, a kettle, and a lantern around it. It wasn't hard to realize it was recently just used and left there.

"Looks like someone was here recently." One of the Scouts, Henning, said. Nanaba glanced over at him. "That's odd for a place this near the wall." She pointed out. Lynne joined in, "Some bandits probably used it as a base."

Inside the tower the group of veterans and recruits sat near each other, a large staircase curving above them. "It said 'Ruins of Utgard Castle' on one of the signs," Nanaba said, keeping warm with the small fire they made inside the tower. A hot drink in her hold. "Who would have thought there was a castle around here?" She asked.

From another room, Gelgar emerged from the darkness holding a green bottle in his right hand. "Hey, check it out. Look what I found." He called, lifting the bottle to show the others. Lynne turned her head to see him and quickly assumed what it was he was holding.

"Gelgar...Is that booze I see?" She gasped. The man nodded his head and took a hard swallow. Grabbing the bottle with both hands he examined the writing on the bottle. It had a printed cream paper plastered onto the glass and figures that looked like letters that wrote something. Though, Gelgar couldn't figure out what it said.

"What the heck does it say?" He muttered.

"You're not gonna drink it now, are you?" Hearing Lynne's question and tone of voice he flinched while removing his gaze from the bottle.

"Don't be stupid. Not at a time like this." He stated as he walked away from the room he found it in. The man who sat beside Nanaba glanced back at the many crates inside the tower. "Convenient... All this contraband to enjoy for ourselves." He said. The things they were using in the tower were the crates, cups, blankets, tea, alcohol, and much more.

"Now you're making us sound like the bandits." Lynne laughed. Although the veterans were seeming to have a good conversation, the 104th recruits sat still and expressionless. Reiner appearing to be ticked off.

"You rookies should try to get some rest." Hearing Gelgar addressing them the young teenagers looked up at him. "Titans won't be roaming around at this hour, but the rest of us will take turns keeping watch. We'll leave from here four hours before daybreak." He informed them. When he was finished, Krista raised her head. "Um..." She started.

"What if the wall isn't actually broken after all? The titans...Where could they be invading from?" She asked with concern. Gelgar gave her a stare before turning away.

"Finding the answer to that...is our job for tomorrow." Walking off he climbed up the stairs to be the first person on watch duty. Krista watched him leave but returned her gaze to the others.

"But what if—? Maybe it's not nearly as bad as we thought from the start." Seeing the vets giving her a look, Krista held her legs tighter and lowered her eyes. "I'm just saying, but..."

"Yeah...There's barely any titans around here." Henning answered her. "If the wall is broken, that is." He finished.

"The only group we've seen was during the initial sighting." Nanaba recalled. Ymir tensed up and sent her eyes off to Connie.

"Connie? What about your village?" She asked. Connie didn't change his blank expression as he answered her.

"It was destroyed. Crushed to sticks and rubble by the titans."

The two girls looked away. "I see. How awful." Ymir muttered.

"But nobody was eaten. I think they all escaped, so there's that to be thankful for." Connie added.

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