𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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3rd POV

  -The titan assault on Trost left them reeling. Military casualties were profound, owing at least in part to the Scout Regiment's absence at the time. Ironically, they'd embarked on an expedition beyond the wall that very morning.


"Heads up! It's the main unit of the Scout Regiment!"

"That's right, Commander Erwin! You give those ugly bastards a thrashing!" A citizen of Trost yelled out at Commander Erwin Smith. The tall blonde continued to ride his white stallion not minding the comments the citizens were yelling out.

In the crowd of people stood Y/n who had her hands clasped together, blushing at the view of Erwin. Looking away from the Commander to look at Mike Zacharias, blushing even more. Not realizing that a woman noticed her in the crowd.

"Look it's Captain Levi!" Another citizen yelled, pointing at the black-haired man who rode his black horse. "They say he's humanity's strongest soldier!" The same citizen added. Catching the attention of Y/n as she now looked at Levi with suspicion.

"Tsk. Why won't they shut up?" Levi rolled his eyes at the comment he overheard. Making the woman beside him let out a laugh. Taking her eyes away from Y/n she turned over to look at Mike who rode in front of her.

"Ahh, Mike didn't you notice?" She asked with joy laced in her voice. Bringing her hand up she lightly laughed into it. Her glasses flashing white from the sun's light.

Mike heard her clearly since they were leaving the crowded area of the city. He responded to her question with a simple hum and waited for her to explain what he didn't notice.

"It seems like you have a fan...a fangirl to be exact!" She answered as a laugh escaped her. She wasn't making fun of Mike for having a fangirl...in fact, she was quite proud that Mike caught someone's interest. Another laugh escaped her at seeing Mike's reaction. Although she couldn't see his face she noticed as Mike became stiff. Quickly returning to normal when he heard her laughter. He didn't know what to think about having a fan...he thought those were only for Erwin.

"They were blushing so much from just seeing you! Let's hope they decide to join the Scouts so she can have a meet and greet with you!" Laughing even more to herself. Levi made a noise of pure annoyance.

"They just seem like another brat to me..." He said, making the woman stop laughing and turn over to him.

"Levi, are you possibly jealous that Mike is getting more fans now? Oh, now that I think about it you should be nicer to your fans. That scowl will crush them. Not that it's any of my business, but from a public standpoint, you might want to lighten up."


At the gate of Wall Rose, the gate slowly began to open. All the scouts lined in front of it waiting for Commander Erwin to signal them out onto their expedition. The same woman as before still talked out loud much to Levi's annoyance.

"The threshold of Titania!" Her eyes sparkled at the thought of titans, holding her hands together she couldn't wait to see them. "Can't you just envision the horrors in store for us, comrades? If we bag an abnormal, I'll burst with tears of joy!" She squealed. Levi glanced at her and sighed.

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