𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟔

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3rd POV

  The Miltary Police prepared what was needed for the next day's ceremony, and the Commander of the Military Police, Nile Dawk, watched from the ground. "We're good to go." One of his officers told him. Nile put his hands on his hips and yelled over to the officers on the podium.

"All right! Drop it!"

As they were told, they pushed down a flag with the wall's insignia.


Levi walked around, searching for any survivors in the collapsed cave, but all he found were bodies crushed under rubble. "Captain Levi!" Turning around, Levi saw a scout behind him covered in sweat.

"What? Your face looks like it's leaking shit."

The scout caught his breath. "We've found Kenny Ackerman!"


Kenny stumbled back on his feet, violently swinging his knife around to protect himself. His face was consumed in terror as a giant hand suddenly grasped a hold of his body. The hand lifted him into the air, Kenny's hat blowing off his head.

Never imagined there was someone stronger than me in the world...

A man furrowed his eyes at Kenny, nearly half of his body emerged in a titan.

So this is a titan...To think they really existed...What's more, within the walls...

This...This was a memory from many years ago, the memory of Kenny first meeting Uri Reiss.

A horse neighed nearby, laying on the ground uncomfortably as it was attached to a wagon down on its side. A young Rod Reiss ran over to his younger brother and pointed a rifle at Kenny. "Uri! Hold him right there!" He yelled.

"Rod, wait. Don't shoot."

Kenny flinched in his hold, his grip tightening around the handle of his knife.

"Whoever it was who told him about us is likely part of the council. We must discover who's responsible." Uri explained— his voice not once raising, his language kept in a calm demeanor.

"In that case, use your power and make the assassin talk!" Rod said.

"That's something I cannot do. If I had to guess, this man is a descendant of the Ackerman family. In which case...his reasons for raising a blade are within the man himself."

Gulping, Kenny glanced at his knife. With a flip of it, he held it by the tip of the blade, throwing it with all his strength at Uri. However, the gray-haired man lifted his arm in time, the knife instead penetrating his wrist.

"Uri!" Rod screamed. "If you won't do it, I'll kill him!"

"Argh, shit!" Kenny shook his head. "Forgive me, will ya?!" Yelling out at them, he clutched his white button-up. "You're the true King, ain'tcha?! Get yer hands off me! I gotta escape! Lemme go and gimme another chance!—" He continued on a rant...

Up against such overwhelming might, I was powerless. After all, he literally could've crushed me to death. Violence was all that I had, but even that had failed me. Now that I think about it, my family's grudge never even meant much to me.

Uri brought him down, letting him on his feet before pulling away his hand. Kenny stood dumbstruck. "Y-You're crazy!" Rod said. When Kenny took a step forward, he raised his gun. Yet, Kenny only fell to the ground with a thud.

"M-My legs!" He complained.

Uri calmly pulled his lower body and arm out of his titan, ignoring his brother's concern as he slid off whilst holding his bloody arm.

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