1. Gem Glow

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The sun shone down on the highway road as cars drove along it's hot road. The song "Have you ever seen the rain" was playing on the radio in one of the cars but both it's occupants were not really listening to song. A man with heavy bags under his eyes sat at the wheel as he stared down the seemingly endless road. In the passenger seat beside him was a boy in his late teens. His head lay back against his seats headrest, as he watched disinterested by the scenery that passed by them. 

The car began to pull into a new lane as it left the highway and onto quieter roads. With the road changing so did the scenery. Tree's and bushes became less frequent to see as they were replaced with edges of a cliff that overlooked the vast deep blue ocean. In the distance a lighthouse upon a large hill and town below came into view. The Elder teen lifted his head ever so slightly to look at an upcoming sign on the roadside that reads "Welcome to Beach City." 

The car had come to parked stop now outside a modest sized house in the residential part of the town. The teen and middle aged man get out of the car as they look up at the house. The teen looked at the house with a frown as he closed his car door.

"Y/n." The man starts getting the teens attention now and he throws a pair of keys to him. "You can pick a room first, I'll take whatever one is left." He says not bothering to wait for a reply as he head to the back of the car to unpack.

The teen called Y/n just looks at the house again now as he moves with a lack of enthusiasm. As he approaches the door he can see what appears to be note in the letterbox. Y/n pulls it out, holding it up now as he begins to read the note that read. 'Welcome to your new home!'   

Y/n just clicks his tongue a little as he finishes reading the note. He places the keys in the doors lock and turns them till he can feel a clicking signaling the door was unlocked. He pushes the front door open with one hand to reveal an empty house.

The house lacked any furniture as only the gentle sunlight lay on the wooden flooring. Y/n sighed as he stepped inside now and put the keys down on a nearby worktop. Y/n remembered that he had been told too choose a room and his eyes looked to set of stairs now. He placed his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he slowly headed up the stairs and onto the houses second floor. 

The second floor was dimmer than the first. Closed doors limited the amount of sunlight that could light the hallway. Y/n reached the top of the stairs now as he opened the doors to look at all the rooms. The room he came to last was towards the back of the house with a window that looked out to the town's beach and ocean.

'Well, I guess a room with a view is something...' Y/n thinks to himself.

The sound of footsteps on the stairs get his attention now as he turns to see the middle aged man appearing in the doorframe.    

"I see you've chosen a room." The man says but his voice lacks any real judgement or emotion leaving it sounding more like an acknowledgement. 

"Dad..." Y/n begins revealing the man is Y/n's father.

"You should go out and check the town Y/n." Y/n's dad interrupts. "I... need to build the furniture." He finishes before leaving. Y/n simply watches as his dad disappears down the stairs again. Y/n leaves the room now and heads back down the stairs himself. Y/n could see his dad in the living room laying several flat packed boxes of different furniture sets. He thought about trying to talk to him but when he looked at his fathers drawn and emotionless face he decided against it.     

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