78. Kindergarten Kid

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Sorry if this one is a little lacking, did not have enough time to polish it up or even spell check. Build up to Christmas has got me busy...

The Crystal Gems are looking through the Kindergarten for leftover Corrupted Gems, previously captured and imprisoned here by Jasper. Steven, Y/n and Peridot walk up to a cage in the cliff face.

"We've found another one over here!" Y/n calls out to the Gems. 

The other Gems were in front of another cage, ready to fight a Corrupted Gem inside.

"Got it, Y/n!" Garnet acknowledges.  "Ready... Go!"

The Gems charge into the cage and begin to fight the Corrupted Gem.

"Grab its legs!" Amethyst cries.

"That's not a leg!" Garnet tells her.

"Ow!" Amethyst shouts.

The Gems successfully poof the Corrupted Gem and exit the cage, with Garnet holding the gemstone in a bubble.

"It's a little disturbing that Jasper was just keeping these Corrupted Gems in cages." Pearl comments as she looks at all the empty holes.

"Isn't that what we're doing?" Amethyst asks.

"That's different." Pearl says.

"They're cared for in the stasis of the bubble. As long as they're bubbled, they can't hurt anyone, and they won't suffer." Garnet explains as she sends the bubbled gem away. "It's what Rose wanted."

Steven, Y/n and Peridot had stayed outside of the cage they found and watched the Corrupted Gem inside.

"Huh. I guess this is the last of them." Steven says as looks at the monster inside. Inside, a bipedal, avian-esque Gem monster snarls with her tongues stuck out, as she erratically runs around and falls over on her head.

"I can't believe these dumb things used to be Gems!" Peridot laughs.

Garnet walks over to the hole now. "Pearl, Amethyst, get ready." She beckons the other Gems over. "This one is flighty."

"Are there Corrupted Gems like this on Homeworld?" Y/n asks Peridot now.

"We don't have anything like this on Homeworld." Peridot says.

"Here we go!" Garnet pulls the metal bar of the cage, and the Tongue Monster immediately charges out, slamming into Garnet.

"Garnet!" Steven says worried.

As the Tongue Monster runs away, Amethyst tries to reel her back with her whip, but gets dragged off along. Pearl begins shooting energy blasts at the Tongue Monster with her spear to no success. The Tongue Monster runs back, sending Amethyst colliding into Pearl. The Tongue Monster then scales up the cliff to higher ground, snarls and successfully retreats. 

"That was terrible!" Peridot begins laughing at the Gems' failure. 

"This is harder than it looks, you know!" Pearl snaps at her.

"How could you all be outsmarted by that thing?" Peridot replies.

"Well, first, it ran over Garnet, and then Amethyst tried to use her..." Pearl begins. 

"Uh, we don't need the play by play." Garnet interrupts. "Mistakes happen, even when you can see the future."

"Yeah, Peridot. Let's see you do better." Amethyst challenges. 

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