9. Giant Woman

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Update: Got 75% of the movie chapter done at 18,000 words. Still more to go though.

Y/n was sat on the beach as he watched a mostly drenched Amethyst, and Pearl playing a game of checkers. Steven was perched on a lifeguard chair with a large stash of water balloons.

Amethyst looks at the board and mover one of her pieces to captures one of Pearl's pieces. "Ha, take that!"

"Wow, Amethyst, I'm impressed." Pearl says before she gets hit with a water balloon.

"Now it's your move, Pearl." Steven says.

"Steven, are the water balloons really necessary?" Pearl asks now covered in water.

"Yeah, this way the moves really matter." Steven says.

"But it's checkers! Every single move matters." Pearl points out.

"I always preferred Chess." Y/n says idly "It requires more thinking about they pieces you use."

Amethyst twirls a strand of her wet hair around her finger. "I just think it sounds like someone's being a sore loser." She jokes to Y/n.

Pearl starts pouting. "I'm not a sore loser..." As she picks up her piece captures all of Amethyst's pieces in one fell swoop. "Because I just won the game." She finishes smugly.

"Whaa...?!" Amethyst says in shock before she braces herself happily. "Here it comes!" She holds her arms out, as Steven pelts her with all his water balloons, and Amethyst falls backwards on her back. "Aaah! Ha, feels good to lose."

Pearl stands up now. "Ahem, I certainly hope that's not the attitude you have during battle."

"Ugh, you're no fun anymore. This is why we never form Opal." Amethyst says.

"Opal?" Y/n repeats.

"We don't form Opal because you're difficult and a mess." Pearl chides Amethyst.

"We don't form Opal because you're uptight and..."

Steven jumps in now and shoves Amethyst and Pearl apart. "Guys! Guys! What is Opal?" He asks.

"Oh it's the two of us, mashed together." Amethyst explains and clasps her hands together.

Pearl scoffs. "Is water just hydrogen and oxygen "mashed" together?" She asks  but Amethyst and Steven seem clueless "...Analogy wasted." 

"Well in theory it's just 1 part Hydrogen and 2 parts Oxygen that fuse together right?" Y/n says unsure.

"Very good Y/n." Pearl praises Y/n's knowledge before she kneels down. "Look here, Steven." Pearl says getting the boys attention and she starts manipulating the sand in animated figurines that dance. "When we synchronize our forms we can combine into a powerful fusion gem named Opal."

Amethyst however stomps on the sand figurines destroying them. "Except I don't dance like that."

"Amethyst!" Pearl cries.

"Wow, that's so cool!" Steven says and he turns to Amethyst. "But tell me more about Opal!"

"Well, she's an ultra powerful, stone cold Betty, That part's me. And she's like, kinda tall... That part's Pearl." Amethyst says.

"What Amethyst is attempting to say is, Opal is an amalgam of our combined magical and physical attributes, fused into a single entity."

"So you become one Gem together?" Y/n asks still not really understanding.

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