18. Mirror Gem

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Steven is lying on the couch in the living room of the Beach House, talking on his phone with Connie. "What...? Why not?" He asks sadly. "Y/n's also been unable to hang out recently as well."

"Steven, I told you, I can't hang out today. I have tennis practice. And then Mom wants to go out for a family dinner. But she said I could hang out all day tomorrow, and I can come over all the time now that it's summer vacation."

Steven flops off the couch. "What's summer vacation?" He asks Connie.

"You know, when school gets out for the summer?" Connie tells him.

"I've never been to this... How do you say..."school". How does it work?" Steven asks.

"It's a place where you go to learn. It's full of desks, chalkboards..." Connie begins.

"Hmm." Steven hums.

"Books, maps." Connie continues.

"I see." Steven ponders as the door to the Beach house opened now and Steven turned his head to see Y/n walking through the front door.  

"Hey Steven." Y/n says raising his hand with a smile.

"Y/n!" Steven says getting up now.

"Sorry I haven't really been around the last week." Y/n says rubbing the back of his head. "Finals have been Kicking. My. Butt." Y/n says as he collapses down on the couch with a relieved sigh. "But they are all over now and I am finally free." He smiles.

 "Can you help me set a school?" Steven asks him and Y/n sits forward little as he raises his brow. 

"You want to set up a school?" Y/n asks surprised. 

Shortly after, Steven begins to assemble a pile of school equipment in the kitchen, with the help of Y/n and Pearl who had joined the two.

Steven examines the pile. "Yep, it's all coming together."

"Alright here's the last school related thing." Y/n says as he adds a school desk to the pile. 

"So, how do we begin our "school"?" Pearl asks 

"Uhh... I... I don't know! This is everything Connie told me. Why do I never ask follow-up questions?!" He despairs.

"A school usually is place where kids go to learn." Y/n explains to Pearl now.

"Who will teach little Stevie now!?" Steven cries now.

Pearl gasps excitedly. "Teach you?!" She repeats. "Steven! If only I had known that's what you really wanted!" She quickly gets up now. "Twooooh!" Pearl cries out before begins doing the same dance she had done when summoning police tape. 

"She's still doing it?" Y/n whispers to Steven confused.

"Haaaaaah!" Pearl's gem begins to glow, as she summons a mirror from her gem. 

"We found this Gem-powered mirror at the Galaxy Warp." She begins to explain as the mirror twirls in mid-air. "It can capture and display any event it's witnessed in all of Gem history." The mirror lands in Steven's hands now as he and Y/n looks at it. "It'll offer you everything you've ever wanted to know about your fellow Gems and our culture."

"Gem powered?" Y/n repeats and his brow furrows with slight confusion.

Steven however looks at his reflection in the mirror. "I must be incredibly important to Gem culture."

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