17. An Indirect Kiss

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A gloomy Steven lying belly-down on Lion's back, is carried up the cliff overlooking the Crystal Temple, as Connie sets up a picnic on the hill.

"Steven, hurry up!" Connie says as she prepares the mat for the picnic.

Steven falls face first off from Lion's back.

"Are you okay?" Connie asks concerned.

"I'm fine..." Steven says not even lifting his face up from the ground.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Connie asks again now as she hands Steven a sandwich from the picnic basket.

Steven sits up and takes the sandwich. "Yeah..." He says as he eats the sandwich sadly and slowly.

"Is Y/n not with you today?" Connie asks as she was used to seeing Y/n with Steven regularly now. 

"He's working with dad at the car wash..." Steven says sadly and slowly again. 

"Okay, uh... So, um... Is this fence new?" Connie asks and points to the fence that is now surrounding the entire cliff.

"Uh, it's a long story." Steven says.

"Is it a magic story?!" Connie asks excitedly.

"M..ay..be?" Steven draws out.

"Well, what happened? Tell me, please." Connie says.

Steven sighs. "Okay, okay. But it's not a happy story." 

Steven then begins retelling the story, flashing back to the events that occurred.

Amethyst was horsing around, by the cliff as Steven watched on worriedly.

"Amethyst, be careful!" Steven calls out to her.

Amethyst laughs. "Steven, why are you getting so worked up?" She makes a mock-lovestruck face. "Why? Do you care about me or something?"

"Yes..." Steven says looking visibly worried. 

"Ah, Steven, I didn't mean to make you..." She then pretends to fall backwards. "Woah, woah!"

"Amethyst, stop! You're gonna fall!" Steven cries out.

Amethyst continues horsing around. "Ooh... Steven!" She giggles. "I'm gonna fa-all!"

Steven now chases Amethyst. "Amethyst, you're gonna get hurt!"

Amethyst comes to a stand at the edge of the cliff. "Steven, please, I'm a Gem warrior. I'm not gonna fa..." but ironically, the ground underneath Amethyst gives way, and she falls off the cliff.

As Amethyst was falling she facepalms. "Ugh, this is so embarrassing." She manages to land onto a rock leaving sharp cracking sound to be heard. "Ow!"

"A-Aahhh!" Steven worries.

"Woah, Amethyst are you alright?" A voice says and she looks to see Y/n stood on the beach near where she had landed.

"I'm okay!" Amethyst cries out to Steven and Y/n.

Steven runs all the way from the hill to the beach. He then collapses next to Amethyst, exhausted and panting heavily.

"You sure you're okay?" Steven asks her again.

"Yes, Steven, I'm fine." Amethyst brushes him off.  

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