35. Jail Break

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Hey guys so I just wanted to give a shoutout to my Story Illustrator who does all the artwork you see in not just this story but a lot of other ones too. 

She has decided to post some of her drawings from not just my stories but others too if you could check her out it would be great! 


Steven is abruptly woken up in a cell by someone singing and slowly sits up. He feels his face, finding he has a bruised eye now, and starts looking around.

"Amethyst? Pearl?"

Steven then recalls Garnet being poofed into two gems and Y/n being knocked out by Jasper. and he gasps. "Y/n! Garnet! Where are they?"

The sound of someone wincing and groaning gets his attention and he turns around to see Y/n who had been in the same cell as him. Y/n groans and clenches his teeth slightly as he pushes himself up and he holds his chest.

"Y/n! You're okay!" Steven calls out relieved as he rushes over to try and hug Y/n.

"Wait stop!" Y/n stops him.

"Wha..." Steven stammers.

"While I'm really happy to see you Steven..." Y/n starts as lifts his shirt to reveal his injuries from the fight on the beach. "I think Jasper, really did a number on my ribs."

"If I had my healing spit I could heal you..." Steven says glumly.

"Hey, this is not you're fault." Y/n is quick to remind him. "Besides, You need it more than I do." Y/n says as he looks at Steven's black eye now. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't do more to protect you."

"I'm okay." Steven says smiling at Y/n.

"Good." Y/n nods. "We need to find a way out of this cell so we can go find the others and then find a way out of...where ever we are." Y/n says and Steven nods. 

Steven then tries running out of the cell, but stops when he sees a yellow force field in front of them. Angry screaming is then heard, startling Steven a bit. He then tries sticking his finger in the force field, and yellow currents starts running across his arm. "Eww..." Steven says then he chuckles.  Steven pushes himself through the force field, yellow currents running all around his body, and passes through unscathed. "Cool." He then reaches his arm in to create an opening for Y/n who slowly crawls through it.

Steven then shivers the currents away. "We're out. Woohoo! Okay, where is everybody?" He asks as he and Y/n slowly start walking along the hallway as Y/n just about manages to keep up.  "Gotta find 'em. Gotta find 'em. Gotta find... Oh... "

Steven and Y/n come to a stops as they notice a small red gem crying in a cell. 

"... Hey there. Are... you okay?" Y/n carefully asks.

The gets startled and pants heavily. She then bangs on the cell wall in frustration, causing Steven to lose his footing.

"Great! This is just perfect!" The small gem says.

"Uh, do you need any help?" Steven asks now.

"No!" The gem shouts. "I mean...Don't look at me! Just... go away." She turns away and curls up.

Steven looks up at Y/n who shakes his head and the two turn as they begin to walk away.

"Hey, wait! You're out!" The gem cries now as she stops them. "How did you get past the field?" She asks.

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