37. Joy Ride

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The Crystal Gems were clearing up the debris from the Gem ship off the beach. Y/n was stood holding a bottle of water as Steven digs into the sand with a shovel and picks up a small piece of debris.

"Do we really have to get every piece?" Steven asks as he wipes his forehead and Y/n gives Steven the water bottle now.

Garnet pulls out a larger piece from the sand. "Yes, having a wrecked ship lying around is too dangerous. We've got to take care of it... all of it."

"I'm sorry there's not more I can do to help." Y/n says feeling slightly guilty.

"That's alright Y/n." Pearl says in an understanding voice. "You were told by the human doctors to let your ribs rest and heal for a few weeks and that's exactly what you will be doing." She tells then tells him.

"Yes Pearl." Y/n replies.

 "Excellent." Pearl says delighted as she starts to  pile the debris together. "We're more then capable of this cleaning up job, although we need to start looking for Peridot's escape pod too, assuming she even made it to Earth."

"There's a lot of work ahead of us." Garnet comments.

Steven drops the small debris into a trash bag. "On it."

"I can at least keep you company." Y/n offers Steven who nods with a smile.

Steven and Y/n had walked to the other side of the beach as Steven digs up a huge piece of debris that had been buried under the sand.

"Wow, that's a big one." Y/n comments.

Steven continues digging up some more debris when someone  starts calling his and Y/n's name.

"Y/n! Steven!"  

"Huh?" Steven asks.

Steven and Y/n look up and realizes it is Jenny, Buck and Sour Cream.

"Yo!" Buck says.

"Hey Y/n, Steven, welcome back to Earth." Jenny jokes.

"What? Who told you?!" Steven asks startled.

"You two looked a million miles away, man." Sour Cream says now.

"Oh, heh-heh." Steven nervously laughs. 

"Sorry, we must have been zoning out." Y/n says.

"We were about to go chill in the parking lot and freak out some squares." Buck says now.

"You should come with." Jenny suggests.

"Oh, but I...I don't have anything against squares. I like all basic shapes." Steven says.

"I guess I like squares?" Y/n just shrugs.

Buck chuckles. "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. You guys got that much needed counterpart to our cynical world view. You have to come."

"It's good energy flow." Sour Cream says as he waves his arm.

"Sorry, guys, but I got a lot of important gem work to do." Steven says. 

"Maybe later." Y/n then suggests.

"Aww." Jenny sighs.

"Bummer." Sour Cream comments.

"Well, catch you later, then." Buck waves as he Jenny, and Sour Cream walk away, and Steven goes back to digging.

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