Game Night

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"Averman, don't you dare!" I scream.

"Sorry, not sorry, Y/N/N!" He laughs as he hits me with a red shell and overtakes me.

That's right, it's game night with the Ducks. First up, Mario Kart. We picked names out of Guy's hat to see who would race when because we have too many people. This time, I got stuck with Averman, Luis and Adam.

"You little shit!" I respond to his arrogance before firing back at him. "Ha!" I celebrate as I pass him.

"Luis, how are you so slow?" Charlie asks as he sees Luis in 10th.

"Yeah, I thought you were the fast one." Julie scoffs as she high-fives Charlie.

"Oh, shut up." Luis isn't having it.

We near the end of the final lap on Music Park and Luis is trying his best. I haven't seen Adam for a little bit - but I finally lost Averman. Turning the final corner, I've got this in the bag. I begin to celebrate but it's premature as a dark horse comes through at the last second.

"What?" My jaw drops at the realisation I came 2nd. "How did you? Where did you come from?" I'm gobsmacked.

"I kept hold of my mushrooms." Adam chuckles from my left.

"Way to go, Banks!" Connie claps as a few others join her.

I want to be mad, but I'm honestly impressed. All I care about is that I beat Averman. We continue swapping out racers for a couple hours - eating most of the snacks as we cheer each other on. As the final planned race ends, I make a suggestion.

"Anyone wanna try Rainbow Road at 200cc before we switch games?"

"You're loco." Luis laughs and shakes his head.

"I'll do it." Fulton grabs a controller.

"Challenge accepted." Dean takes a controller from Jesse.

"Why not?" Dwayne shrugs.

Soon enough, the most chaotic race is underway. Crashing, getting hit and falling off - all we can do is laugh as we rage. Though the battle is tough, I come out victorious with the boys not far behind me.

We realise how much we underestimated the amount of snacks we'd consume as Fulton turns the console off. Bombay and Tibbles kindly offer to go get more while we continue the games.

"What now?" Ken questions.

"Depends how quickly you wanna end the friendship, man." Russ puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's play uno." Averman decides.

"Bye-bye friendship." I playfully sigh.

Dwayne, Jesse, Connie and Guy decide to sit back and watch the madness unfold. Probably the best idea. With stacking and the 0-7 rule, how could this possibly go wrong?

Well into the game, we're at each others throats.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Dean exclaims as Fulton, Goldberg and Adam force him to draw 12.

"Gaffney, if you skip me again, I swear I'll shatter your bones." I threaten as Julie ponders the possibilities of her turn.

"Sorry." She smirks, being insincere with her remark as she places down yet another skip.

"Fuck! Dammit, Julie!"

"This is amazing." Luis laughs at my frustration.

"Shut it, Speedy Gonzales!" I shove him onto the ground. "Asshole."

The same game is still in play 35 minutes later. We're a single step away from physically fighting each other as not a single person is without undying rage. Overlapping yells fill the room as Bombay returns.

"Hey! Hey!" Everyone goes silent at his reappearance. "What the hell is going on here?"

"They're playing uno." Connie tells him.

"Yeah, and friendships don't survive uno." Dwayne looks defeated.

"Then why the hell are you playing it?" Everyone looks down in embarrassment.

"I don't know. Ask Averman - it was his idea." I sulk.

Coach quickly shuts down the game in fear we'd kill each other - or at least make it impossible for us to ever work as a team again. I make the suggestion of playing Mortal Kombat as a harmless way of getting our anger out. He is hesitant, but agrees.

We decide to play like king of the hill. The loser swaps out after every game. Unfortunately for them, I'm amazing at Mortal Kombat. It's been 5 games and I still have yet to be defeated.

"She cheating or are you guys letting her win?" Goldberg asks, slightly annoyed I'm on a win streak.

"I'm not cheating, I just know the moves." I defend myself. "See for yourself." I hand him a controller. "Don't hold back, I won't."

Once again, I select Jade and Goldberg selects Raiden. Our fight in the Soul Chamber is shortlived as I soon perform a brutality on him.

"Told you. Sorry, Goldie."

"Unbelievable." He storms off.

"Y/N, how are you so good at this game?" Coach asks.

"I've been playing the franchise since I was like 7." I casually reply.

"That seems like bad parenting." He says with concern due to the age rating - I just shrug it off.

"How about, from now on, I go hidden and random select. You guys still choose. I only play a few characters, so that way it'll be more fair." I suggest.

They agree as Fulton steps forward for his attempt. Despite landing on someone I never play - and his valiant efforts - I still win. This is getting repetitive and I feel bad for taking up the time.

"Sorry, guys. I'll sit out - that way you might actually have fun." I hand my controller to Dwayne and head to the fridge.

"Are you sure? You're on fire." Charlie questions my choice.

"Yeah, I'll just keep winning. Besides, I need a break from all the games."

As I grab a coke and close the door, Coach gives me a small nod and smile - proud I made the right decision. For the next couple hours, I watch my friends battle and switch to twister before Coach starts taking people home. I'm just glad that, even when we're close to killing each other, I can always have fun with the Ducks. My family.

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