Haunted House

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This was requested by first-time requester eleanorasaurus12 - I loved this idea and was excited to get to develop it. I hope it lives up to your expectations.

I'm the youngest on the team. Therefore, I have more innocence than the others - not as much as they like to claim though. I'm viewed as the little sister which means I end up having to go along with whatever madness ensues because of them. Regretfully, tonight is one of those nights.

We've gotten closer with the new Ducks since we played in LA. Now we're back for some Halloween games. Russ told about some abandoned house nearby that is allegedly haunted. Naturally, most people wanted to check it out. I'm not one of those people. Despite what I want, Luis has just forced me to sneak out with everyone at 1am to go there. My fear of missing out on stuff with my only friends is only going to make me regret this later. Bombay wouldn't let us go out or do anything for Halloween because of a game tomorrow, so that just made people want to rebel more.

"I really don't wanna do this." I hang back as people start walking through the rotting doors.

"You'll be fine." I hear Charlie comment as he leads everyone inside.

"Yeah, you got nothing to worry about, pumpkin." Connie reassures me.

"Come on." Jesse ushers me in.

This place is huge. It also stinks. With all the decaying wood and cobwebs and creaking, this is like a horror movie. Well, I assume so - I don't watch them. I'm just going off what the others have said.

The further we walk into the main area, the closer I am to clinging onto whoever I can grab first. Thankfully, I have my personal bodyguards, Dean and Fulton, by my side. Gripping Fulton's hand, everyone else seems to relax a little bit and stop bunching together as much. Suddenly, I jump as Averman screeches.

"What happened?" Ken immediately asks as our heads snap around towards the sound.

"The moron walked through a cobweb." Julie replies as she helps to free Averman. I almost had a heart attack - I'm gonna kill him.

Somehow, we keep finding new corridors and rooms. I swear this is like a mansion. Every creak and sudden noise and sudden movement puts me on edge. All of us were confused by the ticking clock above the old fireplace. How is it still working? Also, the random coal spilled on the floor in front of it makes us question the story of this place.

At the back of the group, I fear that something might jump out and get me. Like some kind of sacrifice or something. Trying to keep it cool, I start hearing my name being whisper-yelled. Shivers run down my spine as it continues until I realise who it is.

"Y/N, come on." Portman calls me over.

"What, why?" As I question them, the others continue walking - unaware of the conversation.

"We wanna check out some of the other rooms without the whole team blocking the doors." Fulton explains away from the group.

"But you guys said that splitting up is how people die in horror films." I protest.

"Yeah, but there's 3 of us. You'll be okay, I promise." Fulton reassures me.

"Yeah, come on, cutie. We'll protect you." Dean makes a vow to support Fulton's claim.

I turn to see most of the team already gone. With a deep breath, I reluctantly agree and join the Bash Brothers. Both of them put an arm around me since they know how petrified I'm becoming.

We wander aimlessly up the other staircase and down the hall. A small part of the ceiling falls to the ground as we walk past it. My paranoia tells me that the ruins of the house will collapse in on us if we stay too long. Why did we have to sneak out?

This creepy decrepit hallway is lined with doors that hide god knows what horror. On the right, we encounter a curious locked door. There's probably a good reason for it being locked, but that doesn't stop Portman from breaking in. I don't think I wanna know why he can pick locks.

Still thinking this is a terrible idea, I follow as Portman takes the lead. Seeing the terror on my face, Fulton rubs my back in to try and calm me down whilst Dean starts exploring. We barely get away from the door before it all goes wrong. Portman suddenly screams - scaring the shit out of me. As he tries to run away, he trips and crashes into a close by desk.

"Dean, are you okay?" I question as he lays on the ground with a hand over his eyes as he groans in pain.

"Nice black-eye, Portman." Fulton helps him up. "Have fun explaining that one." Bombay is gonna be thrilled.

"Easy. I'll just say Y/N got scared and swung in self defence."

"What? I didn't do anything."

"Yeah, but I've got a reputation to keep and this is way more believable." He tries to reason.

"You know, you're not actually my brother. You can just throw me under the bus like that." I stand up for myself - something I don't do as much as I should.

"Well, what do you want to let this slide? Money?" Dean tries to bribe me.

"You don't have money, Dean." Fulton reminds him.

"You want one of my bandanas then?"

"Fine." I sigh knowing I can't win.

"Thank you."

As that sudden spike of madness calms down, I look around with my flashlight to find what spooked him so much. Once again, I jump out of my skin when I see them. A large collection of creepy old dolls. I hate dolls, especially ones like these, with all my being.

"Can we get out of here, please? Those dolls are freaking me out."

"Agreed." Portman rushes out of the room before we can.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they know what actually happened." Fulton whispers to me as we trail behind.

"I wanna go back to the dorms."

"I know. I'm not loving this either." Fulton pulls me closer, putting an arm around me to ensure that I'm safe and comforted.

In agreement that we've had enough fun, we set out to find the others. Upon our reunion, Adam quickly asks what happened to Dean. While he tells the cover story - without any hesitation - Fulton stands slightly behind him and mouths about how it's a lie (using exaggerated gestures to drive it home). Everyone tries to hold in their laughs as they anticipate hearing the real story later on.

"We should head back - we still need some sleep before practice." Charlie changes the topic.

"Yeah, I think we've had enough fun for one night." Guy agrees - thank god, I'm exhausted.

Slowly but surely, we spill back onto the street. Fulton, being the best big brother of the group, gives me a piggyback to the dorms. I mumble something incoherent about trick-or-treating like normal kids as I feel myself dropping off. Next thing I know, I'm back in my bed. Was that all a dream? If not, I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. I never want to do that again.

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