Broken Nose

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Third person...

The reputation of the Ducks is on the line. Last night there was an incident involving some of the team. First thing this morning, Coach Bombay received word of what happened. But does he know the truth? He's only heard one side of the story - but being blinded by rage may suppress the other side from being revealed.

Y/N's pov...

After last night, I'm nervous to come to be at practice. Despite my fear, I'm sat in my usual space in the locker room with the Ducks surrounding me.

"Y/N, you need to relax." Charlie tells me from the other side of the room as I mess with the laces of my skates instead of tieing them. His statement makes Connie roll her eyes and Julie whack him simultaneously.

"You think he knows?" I ask the surrounding Ducks nervously.

"Nah, how could he?" Jesse answers from opposite me.

"They might have told him."

"How? They were just random people." Averman shrugs.

"Maybe they recognised us. I don't know."

"If they recognised us, I doubt they would've done it." Adam tries to be logical.

"They might have. I'm just scared, okay?"

"Sweetheart, it's gonna be okay." My boyfriend Guy reassures me as he takes my hand away from my skate and holds onto it.

"I hope so." I sigh as I rest my head on his shoulder.

The sudden sound of the door opening and slamming shut followed by immediate yelling makes us jump apart yet tighten our grip on each other's hands. Though my heart is racing, Bombay quickly directs his anger at the Bash Brothers.

"Would you two care to explain yourselves?" He questions loudly as he stands in front of them.

"What?" Fulton glances at us with confusion.

"We didn't do anything." Portman states.

"Is that so?"


"Then why did I just get a call saying that some of my team started throwing punches and broke a kid's nose last night?" Bombay angrily folds his arms as I worriedly look at everyone who was there.

"I don't know!" Fulton states truthfully.

"Don't lie to me, Fulton!"

"He's not lying! We don't know what the hell you're talking about!" Dean springs up and gets in Bombay's face as he defends his friend.

"I find that very hard to believe!"

"Well, it's the truth, so you better believe it!" Dean fights back at Bombay for assuming the worst from the pair.

"Well, if it wasn't you then who was it?" Bombay stands his ground.

"I don't know!"

As things get more and more heated, I can't bare to see Fulton and Dean get falsely berated. With a million thoughts and memories flying around my head, I break and reveal the truth.

"It was Guy!" I blurt out, noticing some people widen their eyes in shock before I scrunch mine shut - did I really just say that?

"Yeah, right." Bombay scoffs before going to turn back to Dean and Fulton.

"He did." Averman vouches as one of the people who stayed with me for a few hours after the incident.

"Sure." Bombay still doesn't believe it.

"It's true, Coach. He really did." Adam speaks up.

Trusting the words of his star player, Bombay retracts his anger and turns it to confusion and disbelief. Slowly, he looks around the locker room for further confirmation - which he gets from subtle nods and low volume comments. Everyone who wasn't there knows the story.

"So, let me get this straight. You got in a fight AND broke the guy's nose?" Bombay asks Guy calmly - mainly driven by his confusion and curiosity.

"Well, yeah, but I had a good reason." Guy prepares to defend himself.

"I'd hope so. Fighting isn't like you, Guy. What the hell happened?" He still can't fathom what would possess Guy to throw the first punch.

"We were just trying to hang out as a group." Guy starts but the inevitable of people cutting in begins.

"Yeah, and Y/N was waiting outside when the rest of us went to grab extra snacks from the store we were passing." Averman speaks up.

"A couple of guys started harassing her." Guy continues but is quickly interrupted again.

"She put up a fight though." Connie claims since she was the first person to leave the store and see me arguing, insulting and shoving the idiots who were towering over me.

"Yeah, but they wouldn't leave her alone."

"We tried to get them to stop but they just got worse and got in our faces." Adam clarifies.

"We all got into a big shoving match and I just snapped." Guy finally finishes the story. "I didn't mean to break anyone's nose though." Bombay stands perplexed as everyone confirms that he's telling the truth.

"I believe you." Bombay sighs. "But I'm gonna have to bench you." He informs with regret causing Guy to hang his head in shame - I squeeze his hand to reassure him that he did the right thing regardless of the outcome.

"Why?" Luis asks.

"There'd be some sort of backlash and PR problem otherwise. Those morons find out Guy is still on the roster, they'll tell everyone and the whole thing will be blown out of proportion. They'll call for him to be kicked from the team." Julie explains before Gordon can get a word out.

"Unfortunately, yes." Coach confirms. "It'll just be for one game. I'm sorry, Guy."

"It's okay."

"And Dean, Fulton, I'm sorry I assumed you did it."

"It's cool." Portman shrugs.

"We get it." Fulton adds.

"Can I at least be on the bench for support?"

"As long as you're not in uniform. Come on, get on the ice - we still have to practice."

"Come on, cowboy!" Charlie leads everyone out to the ice.

As everyone files out of the locker room, I'm still trying to process what just happened. Clearly, I'm not the only one. With everyone now on their way to the ice, Bombay stops me before I can walk out the door.

"Are you okay?" He checks on me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?"


Thankfully, practice runs smoothly. As for the game, it doesn't take long for us to notice that same trio in the stands. Russ starts chirping at them and makes it clear he's not playing and that they deserved more than a broken nose. Bombay drags him away but is ultimately proud of him. It's good to know they always have my back.

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