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It's been a blast. Though things started out rocky with new teammates and the Iceland goons, we thrive and won the gold. I wouldn't change a thing... Well there is one thing. We got so caught up in the moment that we never even thought about the day we'd have to bid farewell to the new members of the team. Even as we reveled in our victory, it never crossed our minds. However, reality has hit us in the last few days. It's turned some things sombre - though we've done what we can to make the most of it. Some of us despised each other at first - now I can't imagine life without them. Today is the day that we must say goodbye.

For the final time, we file onto the team bus and head to the airport. With limited time remaining, the Bash Brigade continues to be joined at the hip. I take the window seat in front of Fulton and Ken takes the other seat in front of Dean. As per usual, we talk about everything and nothing all at once. For better or worse, it makes the drive fly by.

"You think the Hawks saw?" Fulton asks.

"Are you kidding? The whole town watched us, guaranteed!" I boast about how much more we've done in our hockey careers than our former bullies.

"I'd pay to see the looks on their faces."

"You guys have nothing to prove anymore. They're gonna be in your shadow forever." Ken chimes in having heard stories of our time around the Hawks.

"Yeah, we got gold! What are they ever gonna do?" Portman adds.

"We're here! Everyone, grab your stuff and make sure you don't leave anything on the bus!" Bombay announces, interrupting our conversation.

"Y/N, I'll carry your extra bag." Russ announces since I bought a lot of gifts.

"Thanks, man." Russ didn't have to be here since he lives here, but he wanted to wave us off.

Airport staff must be struck with anxiety at the sight of a large group of teenagers bursting through the entrance. After going through the usual airport routine, we take up a large section of seats - though some people start running around and loitering in groups. With several flights to keep track of, we try to spend more time with the next person to leave. Checking the schedules, we realise that Luis is first to go.

We chat to him and hear some of his favourite memories from the tournament. Naturally, winning shows up, as does the one time he was able to stop and get the goal. Most of his choices are off-ice moments - most specifically his part as an accomplice in the prank against Dwayne on the first night. Once again, time catches up to us and we hear a boarding announcement for Miami. Everyone takes turns hugging him and dishing out final remarks. When he gets to me, I have some words of wisdom.

"Do yourself a favour - learn how to stop." I give my advice in a joking manner as we share a quick hug.

"I'll try. I just can't hack it."

"We've been over this, man! Just remember what we told you." Russ jumps in as the next in line.

With everyone having said their final words, we watch as Luis walks away. As he's about to turn the corner, we shout goodbyes as an exiting chorus.

Quiet conversations follow in his absence. It's been 10 minutes but doesn't feel as odd as it will be when they start dropping like flies. Soon enough it's time to do it all again as Julie prepares to head back to Maine. She details how it felt to finally get her chance in the shootout, and the electrifying feeling when she knew she secured the gold. She appreciates how we're a family more than a team. Though she talks about moments with everyone, it's the moments with just the girls that she really holds to heart.

Back in a familiar situation, I stand with Connie and wait for Julie to come down the line. As she stands in front of us, emotions run high as it hits that the already small number of girls on the team is about to go back to how it once was.

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