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This was requested by first-time requester callum-turner. I hope this is along the lines of what you imagined.

Anxiety and hockey aren't a great combination. Someone rushes at me? Panic. There's a battle in front of either net? Panic. I gain possession of the puck? You guessed it! Panic. It seems like I'm in a permanent game with anxiety and the score is anxiety 1, me 0.

It may not be a glaringly soul sucking issue every game, but it's something I have to deal with both on and off the ice. Thankfully, the Ducks are extremely supportive, especially Charlie. Not only is he a great captain but he's my best friend. One of the things that has become a coping mechanism is drawing on Charlie's hand. He noticed me doodling on the corner of some school work and came up with the idea for when I don't have any paper nearby. I carry a pen with me wherever I go now.

It's been a little over a year since I started doing it. Whenever Charlie isn't around, I just use my own skin - though Fulton and Adam have taken his place a couple of times. Sure beats biting my nails and picking at the skin on my fingers.

Tonight the Ducks are having yet another one of our infamous movie nights. This week's host: Jesse. A couple of us went to grab some snacks on a detour before arriving. I had a slight wobble in the store but nothing major - so I just took a few deep breaths and kept walking.

Now at Jesse's house, spirits are high as the fun begins. The selection of movies suggested span a range of genres since a few different people chose them. As you can probably guess, Dean and Connie's choices aren't in the least similar. Before we begin the viewing portion of the night, we all make conversation in different groups like usual. The volume is a little loud but I brush it off.

None of us really thought about curating a watch order to find a good balance in the lineup. Consequently, we start with Dean's horror movie. Hopefully, this prevents the chances of Kenny having another nightmare like he did last time we let Portman pick a movie. As the film progresses, I'm surprised by how well I'm handling it. Of course there are a few jumps, but that's to be expected.

A couple of movies into the marathon, the sugar from the snacks has clearly gone to a lot of people's heads as a good chunk of our supply is already gone. The hyperactivity of the group seems fitting since we're onto Averman's pick. To nobody's surprise, he chose the Karate Kid.....Again. Most people have been quoting the iconic lines. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been contributing to it.

However, as we reach the climactic final tournament montage, a switch flips in my mind. I feel myself become more and more on edge as I suddenly become more aware of my surroundings. Dean and Averman are pretending to fight like tournament contestants behind the couch I'm occupying. No doubt Dean will end up taking it too far and actually hurt him. This accompanied by the other Ducks cheering and chatting as if they're at  a game - as well as the sound of the movie soundtrack's most notable song blaring from the screen - becomes too much.

Feeling overwhelmed by the deafening noise and sheer amount of things occurring simultaneously, I start to scramble to try and find my pen. Despite digging desperately, it is nowhere to be seen. Noticing my sudden panic, Charlie checks on me from the seat to my right.

"You okay?" He looks concerned.

"I-I can't find my pen." I stutter as my eyes dart around in search of the missing object.

"Here." Charlie pulls an identical pen from his pocket and hands it to me.

"Did you steal my pen?"

"No, I always have one with me in case you lose yours or yours runs out of ink."

"Thanks, Charlie." I smile in appreciation and take off the cap as he holds his hand out.

"Roll up my sleeve if you need more space."


As the madness around us continues, I move closer to Charlie and begin my mindless sketching. The doodles are nothing more than a collection of lines with sudden turns and right angles. The cluster comes to form a temporary maze of ink on the skin. By the time his hand and part of his arm are covered from the pen, I've calmed down enough to put it in my pocket.

"You want to go get some fresh air?" Charlie asks when the sensation of the pen in his arm stops.

"Nah, I think I'm okay." I shake my head.

"Hey, Guy, can you get Y/N some water?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Thanks, Guy."

When Guy returns and hands me the water, I take a big mouthful and start to come down from my spiral.

"Come here." Charlie grins with arms wide open.

As Fulton loads up his movie (Wayne's World), I happily cuddle up to Charlie. As the film plays, Charlie's arm around me brings me comfort. Still slightly anxious, I fiddle with the spinner ring that Connie got me for my birthday. In this moment, I know I'll be okay.

10 years later...

To this day, I still draw on Charlie's hand when I'm overwhelmed. Sometimes, during games, we'd take our gloves off on the bench to carry out what is like an odd tradition. I don't do it as much anymore since I've been getting help and have a few other coping mechanisms now. However, I seem to ink myself more than Charlie since we aren't practically glued to each others' sides because of work and stuff.

I got a call from Charlie about an hour ago. Allegedly, he has a surprise for me. I'm scared - it could be anything knowing him. I've just had to drive 20 minutes in anticipation, pondering what the surprise could be. Although he opened the door, he's acting weird and hiding his arm.

"Dude, what are you doing?" I laugh as I walk in past him.

"Nothing." Absolute lie.

"Don't leave me hanging like that, man. What's the surprise? Show me."

"Alright." He grins and finally reveals his modified arm. "What do you think?"

"Is that real?" I question upon sight in shock.

"Yep." He confirms my suspicion. A chunk of his arm is now permanently inked, resembling the little scribbles I used to draw on him. "I miss you drawing on me all the time. It didn't feel right having nothing there. So, I got it tattooed to remind me of you and all the times you attacked me with a pen and tried to give me ink poisoning." He chuckles.

Overjoyed, I pull him into a tight embrace with tears in my eyes. What did I do to deserve him?

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