Construction Crew

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This isn't exactly how I imagined my life turning out. When I was younger, hockey and music were everything to me. The only thing I had in mind that came true is the fact that I'm still with Fulton and Portman. It wasn't always this way, but now we're as close as we can be to our hockey days.

Fulton was the first to get into this business. Years later, he saw my potential when we were building some stuff after I moved back here. Considering I was trying to find work, I started working with Fulton. We actually became roommates - best decision I made in a while. About a year or so later, Portman came to stay with us for a few weeks... But he never left. Needing to get back on his feet, he joined us. The Bash Brigade is back in business.

Even though Portman is still new here, our first job together is bittersweet. Bombay called Fult - not for why we hoped. After years of poor maintenance, the Ice Palace is finally being condemned. He asked us to take care of things - after all, it wouldn't be right if someone else took control.

Surveying the scene, it's a shock that this place is still standing. I split off from the guys to have a look around Bombay's office. I spot a few familiar photos on the wall and can't help but smile. As I get closer, I notice a pile of Polaroids and other photos of the team on his desk. Going through them, I find myself chuckling at the memories.

However, when I look closer at one of the images, I realise the truth of a decades long mystery. That asshole. Pocketing the rest of the pictures, I storm back to them with the evidence in hand.

"Dean Portman, I am going to throw you in a cement mixer!" I yell making them snap their heads around.

"What?" Portman looks at me as if I spoke another language.

"Why?" Fulton drags out - clearly puzzled and a tad frightened.

"You did steal it, you shit!" My timing could not have been worse as I realise the kids are there. "Oh, hey guys." I feel heat rising to my cheeks in embarrassment.

"Hi..." I'm me by confused and concerned greetings.

"For legal reasons, I didn't say that. The cement mixer thing was just a joke." They just slowly nod as I attempt to backtrack. "What are you guys talking about?" I try to change the subject.

"Just telling them that they can't hang out here anymore because of how bad it is now." Fulton helps to move things along.

"Oh, yeah, this place is a deathtrap." I reiterate the danger present by poor remaining construction. "Gotta say, I'm impressed he made it last so long." I praise my old coach.

"Pretty sure he just paid some bills." Dean finally says something.


"Isn't this stuff kinda dangerous for you guys?"

"Are you kidding?" We scoff.

"Come on, we're the Bash Brigade." Fulton reminds them.

"Piece of cake." Portman shrugs it off before we pull out our classic/favourite bandanas and proceeding to do our pre-shift fist-bumps with the boys chest-bumping at the end.

"Why'd you have to do it so hard?" Fulton whines - he's getting weaker.

We talk to them for a little longer when Maya asks what made me want to go into construction.

"Well, it wasn't my first choice." I let out a pained laugh as I think about the life I thought I'd have. "I guess I have a knack for destroying stuff. Plus, I can't imagine being away from my Bash Brothers." I turn sentimental after spending years barely seeing them. "No matter how hard I try." I mutter as I reference current frustrations.

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