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Lately, there's been a bit of tension within the group. I don't think that any of us truly know where or why it started - but it's almost as if we can't trust each other at times. And our ability to win games has taken a hit because of it. Even Connie and Guy's sniping sarcasm towards each other has been on a new level. It's like looking at a mirror of myself with Portman and Charlie.

None of us realised it at first, but when our losing streak started to grow, Orion came down on us like a ton of bricks. We haven't played this bad in years - and he made sure we knew that. After the scolding of a lifetime, Orion demanded that we figure it out. Trying to get to the bottom of it, we're holding a team meeting in Banks' backyard. Adam tries to catch everyone's attention, but most ignore him - continuing their separate conversations that have been in play for the last 30 minutes. Captain Conway stands beside him and takes a turn.

"Guys! We gotta stop putting this off." That's all he ever does. "We need to figure this out. No more secrets."

As our captain and his right hand man take their seats again, the rest of the team falls silent. Our eyes dart around the broken circle we've created and notice the collective reluctance. Realising that our stalemate is set to continue, Adam let's out a sigh a gets the ball rolling.

"Calls can get confusing sometimes because I don't know if you want me to do a bank pass to someone or if you just want me to pass it to you."

"I thought I was the only confused by that." Fulton admits.

"Nah, man. Your passing's been all over the place lately." Russ picks up on his gameplay.

"Most of the time we just mean to pass it. You decide if you have to make it a bank pass." Charlie clarifies.


"I still think that Goldberg could use a little help getting used to playing defence." Ken mentions hesitantly.

"What?" Goldberg already seems offended.

"I think it's more of a skating issue than anything else." Guy supports Ken's claim.

"Yeah, like 75% of the time, you're not back at the net when I need you to be." Julie pitches in as Goldberg gawks in disbelief.

For the next 10 minutes or so, we discuss our hockey related issues, but still can't seem to find the true issue. However, it soon devolves into chaos, pettiness and some of the dumbest secrets around.

"I walked in on Y/N, Connie and Averman putting on a full-on performance to ABBA on more than one occasion." Kenny is the next in a long line of random stuff being thrown out.

"Who hasn't?" Averman's nonchalance evokes some brief shared laughter.

"Guy, I don't like the hat you got last week." Connie turns to him and deals the crushing blow.

"What? You said you liked it." He seems genuinely hurt.

"It's not my favourite."

"I can return it." He panics slightly.

"Don't return it because of me. You like it, so keep it."


"Okay, leave the marriage counselling until later." Russ chirps.

As the carnage continues, I sit and fester. Voices get louder as I observe the madness. Do I dare to say something that could so easily backfire? Suddenly, a burst of misplaced confidence causes me to come out with it without thinking.

"The Portman-Julie-Banks love triangle was entertaining for a while, but it's starting to get a little annoying."

"What?" Banks and Portman question in unison.

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