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Walking around with the Ducks, it's not uncommon to pass each other's houses. I've been hanging out with Jesse and Guy for the last few hours. Eventually, Guy had to go - it bummed us out a little, but we know not to keep Connie waiting.

After he left, Jesse and I went to grab some lunch. We absolutely demolished our burgers - I didn't know either of us were so hungry. It ended up going from funny glances at each other to a competition to see who could finish first. As it dies down, I throw my hands up in celebration.

"Ha! Beat you by a split second!"

"Man, you got a big mouth." He laughs.

"Thank you. Thank you." I take a bow.

"Bet you couldn't beat Goldberg though."

"Tough, but I think I could take him."

We eat our cupcakes before deciding to head out again. He tried to pay but I told him I'd pay for myself. After his initial protest, I threatened not to pass him the puck unless he let me pay. We clutch onto our drinks as we start walking down the street.

"What do you wanna do?" He asks me before taking a sip of his coke.

"Uh, Fulton lives nearby. Wanna see if he's home?" I suggest.

"Sure." He shrugs.

We continue our short walk to Fulton's house and fall back into conversations about how our line could play the next few games since we're on the same line with Guy. I think we've got a good chance of getting on the scoresheet.

As we approach Fulton's house, we hear music blasting. As we get closer, we realise it's coming from Fulton's living room. That answers the question. He's home and, by the volume of the music, I suspect his parents aren't home. I also see that he accidentally left the window open. Not only is the music loud, but so is the singing.

"Highway to the danger zone!" Can't deny his taste in music.

Both myself and Jesse notice that Fulton's voice isn't the only one outside of the recorded music. We look in through the window to see who he's with. As we realise who it is, we look at each other and burst out laughing. Luckily, they can hear us. Never did I think I would see Fulton and Averman dancing around Fulton's living room singing their hearts out to music from Top Gun.

"When's the tour?" I shout loud enough for them to hear.

Both of them turn to face us with wide eyes. The colour drains from their faces in embarrassment as we laugh at them and the music plays in the background. Fulton rushes to turn the music off as Averman gives us an awkward smile and laughs through the pain.


"How long have you been there?" Fulton questions us.

"Since the first chorus." Jesse smirks.

"You gonna let us in or what?" I giggle after a brief and awkward silence - prompting Fulton to open the door and invite us in.

When we walk in, we briefly catch them up on our day and the plan we came up with for our line. They also tell us how this amazing situation came about as they grab us more drinks.

Next thing I know, I have one of Fulton's bandanas tied around my head and a hockey stick in my hand as we all bounce around the room practically screaming the lyrics to We Are Not Alone - partly recreating the scene from The Breakfast Club. Man, I'm so glad we decided to come this way after all.

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