Makeup Massacre

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This was requested by eccyuk - sorry for the wait, I hope you like it.

Third person...

Society states that girls should look and act a certain way - sweet and dainty. Not Y/N. Y/N is the biggest tomboy in town, and she prides herself on that. She also flaunts her fearlessness on the ice. With Fulton as her boyfriend and Portman as her new best friend, the Bash Brothers vowed to protect her on and off the ice - though she's had enough blood on her hands to prove that she can fend for herself in a fight.

Although she loves Connie and Julie (as well as her former teammate Tammy), Y/N has always felt a slight disconnect between herself and the others. They've never bonded over your typical girly things, and whilst she's glad about the things they share, part of her can't help but feel like she's missing out on something. Nevertheless, she's not ready to go out of her way to be something she's not.

With the Junior Goodwill Games still underway, some friendships are still building a foundation. Between the press, excessive practising, and the televised games themselves, it's been a chaotic, pressurised whirlwind. However, the Ducks finally have some downtime. Naturally, inner-team cliques split off with the odd newbie sprinkled in. The new dynamic duo has no idea what they're about to get caught up in.

The results of a string of locker room antics and face-off bets have given Connie and Julie something of a power trip. Nobody is safe when they have their instruments of torture in their grasp. Nobody truly knows their way. Today alone has seen its share of victims - and one is making an escape.

Oblivious in their shared room, Fulton and Dean stand by their beds as they play an unorthodox game of jenga with a tall tower of hockey sticks that they stole. Green Day plays at a reasonable volume in the background (for once) to allow them to talk to one another. Out of the blue, the sounds of distant screams can be faintly heard over the music. As it gets louder, the yelling seems familiar to the Bash Brothers.

"Is that -" Portman begins to question but is interrupted by the door suddenly swinging open.

"Y/N?" Fulton shares Dean's confusion as his girlfriend bursts into the room, stumbling through them and almost knocking the tower  over.

"Hide me from the evil makeup monsters!" Y/N exclaims and quickly hides under Portman's bed.


Confusion prevails as the aforementioned makeup monsters appear at the door, clutching onto lipstick and other makeup items that are alien to the residents. Slowly, things start to make a hint of sense to them - at least, they think so.

"Have you guys seen Y/N?" Connie asks the duo.

"Not since breakfast." Fulton covers for his girlfriend.

"Uh, I think I saw her running past a minute ago." Dean improvises.

"Which way?" Connie presses.

"Past the tree swing."

"Are you sure? Because you seem pretty invested in stick jenga." Julie is doubtful.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"She knows better than to hide here because it's the first place you'd look." Fulton jumps in with reason - though it feels slightly backhanded.

"You better be right." Julie is still not trusting as her and Connie sprint off.

Y/N's pov...

The clicking of the shutting door signals safety, however temporary. There's less room under here than I thought, but it was the first thing I could think of with no time on my side.

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