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For the last few years, I haven't really made a big deal out of my birthday - though it's nice to have the Ducks make it special. I haven't had a proper party since I was 13. Today is the day I turn 18. As per usual, I have nothing planned. I'm just glad we don't have anything important going on.

Usually, when I wake up on my birthday, the Ducks are either fighting to get in my room first or seeing who can get me on the phone first. However, when I woke up today, nothing. Like radio silence. I thought maybe I was getting my days confused - I wasn't. Not a single person called or came over. It's like they all forgot. I guess they're all busy. It's my fault for not making plans and assuming things would be the same.

Since I have nothing to do and my parents are already at work, I decide to head to the alley. When I get there, I see that even Fulton has other things to do. He left a stick, a puck and the box he uses as a goal. Might as well get some practice in.

As time goes on, I seem to hit the puck with more and more force. Luckily, I have better aim than Fulton, so no windows are broken. Even though I don't really do much on my birthday, having them all forget just makes me feel like shit. This is affecting me more than I thought it would. Once again, I line the puck up and swing. I hear a crack as half of the stick flies over with the puck.

"Shit. Now I have to get him a new one." I mutter to myself.

I quickly run home to grab some money - taking Fulton's stuff with me since I don't know if he meant to leave it in the alley. After putting his stuff in my room, I swiftly head out again.

As I walk over to the store (which Jan runs now that Hans is gone), it's like I'm on autopilot as I dwell on this less than average birthday. During the journey there, I hear shouting as I get tackled to the ground.

"Y/N!" It's Averman and Goldberg.

"Get off me." I groan.

"Happy birthday!" They say as I get up.

"Thanks. At least someone remembered."

"What do you mean?" Averman asks.

"Well, nobody else remembered."

"What? Seriously? They forgot?" Goldberg frantically questions.

"Yeah. Just you guys remembered it."

"That sucks." Averman frowns.

"We'll hang out with you!" Goldie exclaims.


"Yeah, it's your day. What do you wanna do?" Averman shrugs.

"We gotta stop off at the hockey store before we think about anything else." I state.

As we continue walking to the shop, I tell them about what happened in the alley. We spend a little time with Jan when we get there since we don't have much to do and the store is having a slow day.

We then head back to my house so that I can put the new stick with the rest of the equipment. The three of us watch TV for a while instead of leaving so soon. As the end credits roll, the house phone rings. I excuse myself and go to answer.


"Hey, Y/N. It's Adam."

"Oh, hey, Banks. What's up?" I ask, hoping that maybe he remembered my birthday.

"You wanna come over? I bought that film you were talking about if you wanna watch it." I guess he forgot after all.

"Uh, yeah, sure. I'm with Averman and Goldberg right now. Should I invite them?"

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