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Before we get into this story, I just want to let you know about the sudden drop in numbers. Apparently, I reached the limit of chapters allowed in a single book (200) that I didn't know was a thing. So, I deleted anything that wasn't an actual story (nearly halfing the chapters). The book had just hit 86.3K at that point before dropping to roughly 76k. I just want to thank you all for getting it to 86 before having to delete stuff and for the continued support.

Also, I hadn't previously announced it, but I will start taking requests again. However, with how life has changed since starting the book, I can't guarantee that I will get them done nearly as fast as I used to. Thank you for understanding. I also want to remind you that the Bash Brigade playlist is now on Spotify if you want to check it out.

This was requested by c4reb34r. Sorry for the wait - I hope you like it

February. The shortest month of the year. The home of Valentine's day. With the month's staple merely days away, it's impossible to avoid the couples being seemingly more loved up than ever - even if it's just for show. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little jealous. I've always wanted it to be like the movies. Alas, I'm part of the single group for yet another year.

Yeah, there's some attractive guys here, but none that'd have any interest in me. There is a guy on the hockey team who stands above the rest - but I've never really talked to him. I'm friends with a couple people on the team because we've worked together a lot on projects. I've heard a very small handful of stories before. They make me love him even more but he won't even know my name. Hell, I barely know his. I have 3 classes with him. Art, English and Music. Despite that, we're still essentially strangers.

To add insult to injury, they're making us art students create posters for the Valentine's dance. I get we're in the art department but I don't see how this has anything to do with our work. They just want us to do their jobs for them.

Working away with mixed levels of enthusiasm, low chatter keeps us from a deathly silence. Suddenly, the peace is disrupted by a familiar stranger excitedly stumbling past our classmates. In one hand, a bunch of pink carnations that look freshly picked. In the other, what I can only assume is one of the posters. Stopping just a couple of feet in front of me, he decides to interrupt my conversation with Connie.

"Hi, Y/N." He greets me as his excitement quickly turns to nerves and fear.

"Oh, uh, hi, Fulton." I'm caught off guard by the fact that he knows my name.

"I, uh, I got you these." He hands me the small hand-tied bouquet of uneven stemmed flowers.

"Oh, thank you." I accept with a small confused smile. "They're beautiful." I admire them as Fulton hesitates with his words.

"I also made this." He turns the poster around and continues talking as I read it. "I was just wondering if... If you'd wanna go out with me? Be my valentine?"

"Really?" In shock, I quickly glance at Connie to see a smirk on her face. Fulton nods slightly and hums in confirmation. "Sure. Yes, I'd love to."

"Wait, you're actually saying yes?" He wants clarification, clearly doubting his hearing.

"Yeah, I am." I smile to try and reassure him, quickly seeing relief wash over him. "Were you planning on-"

"Get back to work you two." Our teacher cuts me off. "Talk about this after class."

Cut to the 14th...

When we finally escaped art class, Fulton and I made plans. He wasn't planning on going to the school dance because he's not much of a dancer. Being single and all, I wasn't thinking about going either we decided just to go to a small cafe (within his budget since he insisted on paying) for dinner while the dance takes place. He even ditched his bandanas because he wanted to look more presentable.

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