Murder Mystery Party

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I love Averman - I really do. But what the fuck, man? He's making us do some murder mystery thing. This has been the longest day of my life and it's only been like an hour and a half. God, I wish he made me the victim - at least I could take a nap then.

"Is the fake blood really necessary?" Goldberg whines from the floor as Averman covers him in fake blood.

"Yeah, now shush." He laughs as he finishes and starts walking over the rest of us.

"Gross. This stuff is cold and sticky."

"Shut up, man. You're supposed to be dead." Averman doesn't even face him.

"He's been dead for an hour and a half. Why are you only just bringing the blood out?" Connie asks.

"Good question." Charlie backs her up - clearly we all just want to leave.

"I forgot where I put it."

We all groan as it continues. Jesse and I look at each other and it's like we can read each other's minds. This murder mystery may turn from a game to reality if it isn't over soon. Averman could have used some help coming up with everything - things just seem so disjointed.

"Fulton, where were you on the night of the 7th?" Luis asks him.

"Dude, we've been through this. I was ruled out like 35 minutes ago."

"What was the weapon again?" Dwayne stands confused.

"Uh, a dagger, I think." Adam answers, also confused.

"I thought it was poison." Guy interjects.

"No, no, no it was, uh, it was a dagger lathered in poison. Wasn't it?" Ken adds.

"Guys, come on. Who's the killer?" Charlie asks, clearly fed up.

"It's gonna me in a minute." I huff.

This whole thing is a disaster. Nobody can remember anything - and not just because we've been here so long. There's a lot of plot holes. I look over and see Averman standing alone looking kinda upset. Even though I've had enough of this too, I feel bad for him.

"Averman, this sucks, man." Jesse says.

"Yeah, it's going on forever and there's no way to figure it out." Guy adds.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm outta here." Dean announces as he starts to leave with the team following - even Charlie and Fulton.

"Sorry, dude." Fulton looks at him with a look of regret that he's leaving.

I help him to peel Goldberg off the ground and watch as they all walk out the door. However, I don't go with them. Averman throws himself onto the sofa behind us and let's out a huge sigh. I shoot him a sympathetic look, realising I was kind of a dick during all that.

"I just wanted to do something cool." He states as I sit beside him.

"I know, man. I'm sorry."

"It's my fault." He shrugs. "I'm not great at planning stuff."

"So, it didn't work. Who cares? Not everything is gonna work out the way you want it to." I try to cheer him up.

"Yeah, I guess so." I can see that he's still defeated.

"Hey, I have an idea." I smile and lightly nudge him.

"What is it?" He turns to me.

"How much of that fake blood do you have?"

"Way too much, why?"

"You still have those water guns in your garage?"


"How about we dilute the fake blood, pour it into the water guns, go find the others and soak them?" I suggest with a sadistic smirk.


Averman runs out of the room to find our supplies. I'm just glad he's smiling again. Soon enough, runs back in with water guns and fake blood in hand. With them now fully loaded, we make our way out of the the house and over to the park that the Ducks went to. We sneak up behind them and fire.

"What the hell?" Portman yells.

Everyone begins laughing and running away, even using each other as shields. As shrieks fill the air, Charlie makes an announcement.

"Alright! Water War! Meet back here in 10 minutes!"

Everyone runs home to grab their stuff. I guess today wasn't a total disaster.

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