Number Retirement

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He had a good run. After 17 straight seasons in the NHL, our very own Charlie Conway has retired due to persistent injuries. He insisted he could play a couple more seasons but doctors warned him against it. It's been about 5 months since his final game and fans have been demanding the same thing. Luckily, the NHL agreed. So, tonight is the night of Charlie's number retirement ceremony. This is a huge honour.

This isn't your ordinary number retirement ceremony though. His number will never be used by anyone across the league again. He's only the second person in history to have this highest honour - the first being the legendary Wayne Gretzky.
To make this occasion as special as possible, some of us Ducks are making speeches. We tried to get everyone, but life got in the way.

It hasn't quite sunk in how massive it is - even now as I sit on this stage on the ice in front of a sold out arena. I can only imagine how Charlie feels right now. This is gonna go on for hours - there's just so many people and videos to be shown. The night so far has been a blur. Fulton, Connie, Guy, Kenny, Adam, Goldberg and Averman have already had their mic time. Suddenly, I'm filled with nerves as it's my turn to make a speech - I don't want to mess everything up.

"Hi." I say into the microphone as I reach the podium. "Thank you all for coming to celebrate the insane career of the Charlie Conway."

"Yeah, Charlie!" The crowd cheers briefly.

"I'm glad to be here to honour such a good friend of mine. I met Charlie when we were just 5 years old - so you can bet I have plenty of stories I could tell." I joke. "He's the reason I got into hockey and started playing on the frozen pond by his house. That time of my life holds so many core memories. If it weren't for him, I never would've made so many friends that I'm still close with to this day." I gesture to the Ducks behind me.

"Woo!" Fulton hypes me up.

"Even when we were a total mess with the name of district 5, I knew Charlie was different to the rest of us. We all did. On and off the ice, Charlie loved to boss us around - that's probably why he elected himself as the captain early on." I pause as the room starts chuckling. "Seeing where we are now, I'd say that was the right choice. Every time I come here for a home game, I look forward to looking up at the rafters with pride at number 96. You've got some amazing company up there. Now, I don't want to take up too much time since there's a lot to get through, so I'll wrap it up." I clarify before turning to address the man of the hour directly. "Charlie, you know I love you more than life itself - and it's a real shame we couldn't get everyone in this room tonight. So, on behalf of the Ducks that couldn't be here (and those who could) I want to say that we are so unbelievable proud of you. I can't think of anyone more deserving of such an honour. We love you, we really do and no matter what, you will always be our captain." With my speech finally over, I approach Charlie with my arms wide open as applause fills the air.

"That was... Amazing. Thank you." He's speechless as he accepts the hug.

"You're amazing. I love you." I look him in his eyes.

"Love you too. Thank you for coming."

"Great job!" Connie praises me as I sit between Fulton and Adam.

As the crowd settles down, our attention is turned to the large screens above us. This is the only video I knew they'd play other than career highlights. Julie is the first to be seen. We recorded our parts for this video before we knew who'd come - so every last one of the original Ducks is in this compilation somewhere. Charlie's emotion is far from hidden as each person comes on (some roasting him) especially when Bombay closes out the video after Orion. Once again, everyone applauds and cheers as it fades to black.

"Please welcome a very special guest. The very first coach of the Mighty Ducks - Gordon Bombay!" One of the commentators announces.

I glance at the other Ducks with a shared shock and disbelief - none of us knew he'd be here. We all stand and clap as he approaches the stage. Each of us shakes his hand and says hi  before he pulls Charlie into a strong embrace. The look on Charlie's face is priceless. With the crowd once again dying down, Bombay takes center stage.

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