Concussion Conundrum

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Oh no, empty net - and they're on the offensive. We can't let them score. If they do, we tie. Even though it's just a scrimmage on an average day of practice, I'm not just gonna give them a goal. As Fulton prepares for a slapshot, I rush to get in front of the goal. The puck flies through the air and that's when it hits me - literally. With the puck hitting my helmet, I fall to the ground.

"Oh my god, Y/N, I'm so sorry." Fulton instantly apologises with regret and concern.

"Are you okay?" Connie panics as they all surround me.

"He's trying to kill me." I groan as Charlie removes my helmet.

"Alright, Y/N, how many fingers am I holding up?" Coach asks.

"Like 6?"I say unsure of the answer.

"I think you gave her a concussion." Adam says to Fulton, making him feel even more guilty.

"Yeah, I'll drive you to the hospital." Bombay helps me up.

"Can we come?" Charlie asks.

"I can't take everyone. Whoever gets there first can come. I need someone to make sure she doesn't fall asleep."

They all help me off the ice and to the car. As we all pile in, I realise who is coming with us. Naturally, Charlie takes shotgun. Fulton sits beside me, protecting my head and making sure I stay awake. Averman, Adam, Connie and Guy occupy the rest of the seats.

"I'm really sorry, Y/N. Keep your eyes on me, okay?" Fulton moves hair out of my face.

I try to focus on Fulton but struggle. My eyes begin fluttering and my vision becomes blurry. No matter how hard I try to fight it, my eyes start to close. It doesn't last long as water hitting my face makes my eyes snap open.

"Wake up." Adam says with a spray bottle in his hand.

"Where did you even get a spray bottle?" Connie questions.

"Adam, don't spray her." Coach calls from the driver's seat.

When we arrive at the hospital, Bombay runs ahead to talk to the receptionist. I lean on Adam and Charlie as we follow him. Whilst we wait, Fulton continues his endless apologising. After they finally check me over, Coach Bombay asks:

"Is she gonna be alright?"

"Karp 2.0. You just had to stop the puck." Averman laughs before anyone can answer.

"Hey, don't compare me to Karp! I play way better than he ever has!" I snap at him.

"Yeah, she's fine." Bombay laughs and shakes his head.

"She'll need to rest for a few days. Just keep an eye on her. If she's experiencing any symptoms then bring her back." The nurse smiles.

We all thank her before we make our way back to the truck. Once in our seats, Coach says:

"Let's get you home, Y/N."

"My parents are out of town for a week. I was meant to sort out a place to stay but I forgot." I say as I realise I have nowhere to go.

"You can stay at my house and borrow my clothes." Connie offers.

"Thanks, Connie."

We head back to the rink to grab my things and tell the others what happened. Coach then drops me and Connie off at her house. As we're about to go through the door, Fulton shouts a final apology. He's gonna feel guilty about it for the rest of his life.

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