Last Breath

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I promise this is the last of the sad ones.

Being a year older than my brother Charlie and the rest of the Ducks, I tend to be protective of them. Not necessarily in a Bash Brothers kinda way - but definitely if needed. It can get a little draining, especially with some of the troublemakers we have on the team. That's one of the many reasons I enjoy spending time with Hans.

Life hasn't been easy for us lately. Charlie's taking it worse than I am - at least that's how it seems. I bottle things up to look after everyone whilst he has constant outbursts. I find myself constantly apologising on his behalf to both the team and Hans when he isn't around. Hans has been nothing but kind and caring to us - I don't want him to be miserable because of Charlie's attitude. He's become like a grandfather to us.

Tonight is just another night that I'm spending the late hours of the day with Hans. Well, it's like 8pm but it feels later after the day I've had. I'm exhausted and he's had a bad cough for the last week or so, so we're cheering each other up. Charlie felt betrayed because I didn't follow him when he walked away from the team. He was acting out and I wasn't gonna abandon them. Besides, I knew Fulton would look out for him and tell me if something happened.

As I talk about the situation, I realise that I'm ranting and not giving Hans as chance to speak.


"It's alright." He waves it off.

"I just feel like I've made a mistake. I don't know what to do." I seek guidance from the wise soul.

"Do you believe staying was the right choice?"

"I don't know anymore. I did at the time but things are just getting worse on both ends." I shrug.

"How so?"

"Well, Orion is just a drill sergeant and Varsity won't leave us alone. And I've been talking to Fulton. He wants to come back but he's scared to say anything because Charlie will just blow up at him and god knows what'd happen after that." I explain.

"You take on too much." Not the help I was hoping for.

"What do you mean?"

"You take care of the team but rarely yourself - that is why you're captain. But you are also a kid. Don't waste your childhood taking on a more parental responsibility for no reason." He lectures me from his armchair.

"I can't help it, Hans. These guys are family to me - I'd do anything for them. Plus I've had to look after Charlie and my mom for as long as I can remember. It's second nature."

"I know. You cannot let it become a burden. Relax and take time for yourself. You are a good person. Everything will work out." He smiles, I'm almost convinced.

"I wish I could believe that." Suddenly, he let's out a painful sounding cough. "Are you sure you're okay?" I look over at him with concern.

"Fine. Just a sore throat." He laughs it off.

"Then you need to drink more water. Hang on, I'll get you some." I spring up from my seat and quickly make my way to the sink in the next room.

"Goodbye, Y/N."

"What was that?" I call out whilst running the water in another room. "Hans, you say something?" I ask as I walk back in with a glass of water. "Hans? Hans?" My heart drops when he doesn't respond. "No, no, no, no, no. Hans! Hans! Wake up, Hans, please!" I beg as tears stream down my face.

My legs feel weak as I collapse to the floor in tears. What am I supposed to do? This can't be happening. It's not real! This is just a bad dream! Someone wake me up. I use the furniture to pull myself to my feet before stumbling over to the store's phone to make a call.


"Mom..." I start sobbing harder before I can even say anything.

"Y/N, sweetheart, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Hans... He-he's dead. I was talking to him about school when he started coughing, so I went to get him some water and when I came back, he wasn't breathing." I ramble, struggling to breathe.

"Honey, I'm so sorry."

"Mom, what do I do?"

"Stay with him. I'll call an ambulance and get hold of Charlie. Drink some water and try to calm down while you wait for them to get there. Honey, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this."

When my mom hangs up, I do as she said - drinking the water I got for Hans to try and calm my nerves. Instead of immediately going back to his body, I call Bombay. He recognises the number so answers happily. His tone changes, clearly in shock as he receives the news. At the end of the call, I go back to Hans, desperately trying to wake him up. But it's no use.

Eventually, I see the lights of the ambulance fast approaching. As some of the paramedics remove him from the building, another asks me what happened. I try and fail to hold back my tears as I explain it to them. They all leave to load up the ambulance and head to the hospital - leaving me standing alone unsure of where to go from here.

"Y/N!" I hear a familiar voice. "What's going on?" It's Connie.

I look up to see a crowd in the near distance, including Connie, Guy, Fulton and Julie. Immediately, I race down the hill towards them - knocking Fulton back slightly as I hug him on impact.

"Are you okay?" He asks as he hugs me back.

"What's going on?" Guy and Julie question simultaneously.

"Hans... He's dead."

"What?" Connie is in disbelief.

I explain the story again to this new group before they join me in a grieving group hug. Still making contact with each other, we watch as the ambulance drives away - carrying the corpse of our mentor, the man who taught us to fly. What will the team say? God, what about Charlie? Life is cruel. We didn't think things could get worse. Despite my doubt, I have to believe what Hans told me. Things will get better - it'll all work out with time. I have to try. For Hans.

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