Chapter 2

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AJ and Gwen pull into Katie and Kevin's driveway. AJ parks and they get out of the car. "Home sweet temporary home. We'll get inside and get to sleep, then tomorrow we can go out and get some essential things we need." AJ says.

"Yeah, okay." Gwen starts walking up. AJ comes over to her and stops her, wrapping his arms around her in a big hug.

"Don't worry, we'll get through this. We have each other, honey." AJ kisses the top of her head.

"Let's just get inside and get some sleep. I don't want to think about all this right now."

They walk up and ring the doorbell. Kevin opens up the door and invites them in. Katie walks over and gives Gwen a big hug. "I can't even imagine what you are going through! You know if you need anything, we're always here for you! You guys stay as long as you need." She shows them to their room, and gives Gwen some clothes to change into. Katie gave some of Kevin's clothes to AJ, and leaves the room.

They get changed and get into bed. Gwen snuggles into AJ, seeking comfort from her husband.

AJ falls asleep quickly, but Gwen's mind is racing over all that has happened within the past day... well, really within the past few years with Granny. She was kidnapped and luckily escaped. Granny then brought Grandpa along with her TO HER HOUSE and tried kidnapping her AGAIN! When she was able to escape, they then tied up her beloved, and held him hostage until she came back and rescued him. Somehow during the time of AJ being held captive, their great-grandchild showed up as well, the little demon spawn. They had to blow up their house in order to escape them this time... but will it be enough? Grandpa was literally shot and still got up and chased her.

Gwen took a shaky sigh, reeling over it all. They were lucky to be alive and not injured. A few tears escape from her, and she buries herself further into AJ. Sleep finally overcomes her tired body.

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