Chapter 7

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The food was superb. AJ couldn't have picked a better place. Gwen looked at him, marveling in how lucky she was to have such a wonderful man. She always felt such adoration and love for him.

"So, when we got to the store, it was already closed because Nate told us the wrong time!" He said, laughing through his story.

Gwen chuckled. "That does sound like something Nate would do!" She reached across the table, took his hand and smiled at him. "This has been a wonderful evening, thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you. You've really been there for me throughout this whole chaotic ordeal, and I am so appreciative. I love you."

He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Anything for you, m'lady. I love you too. Now, did you want dessert?"

"Oh, as tempting as that sounds, I'm full. Maybe we can stop on the way back though and get ice cream sundae fixings for all of us. That way we can surprise Katie and Kevin."

"Sounds like a plan." They paid and left the restaurant.

They turned on the music in the car to a classical station. Gwen put her head back and closed her eyes, listening to the beautiful sounds. AJ grabbed her hand and held onto it. He loved holding her hand, showing the world that they belonged together. He felt his heart would burst at times with all the love he had for this beauty beside him.

Shortly before they got to Kevin and Katie's road, they made a detour to a local grocery store.

"What flavors did you want to get?" He looked over at her, knowing her answer already.

"You know me, I'm partial to mint chocolate chip. How about we get a half gallon of that, chocolate, and vanilla bean?"

"Sounds good."

"What toppings did you want to get?"

"Chocolate, obviously. How about caramel as well?"

"Sure. Do we want cones or cone bowls?"

"Why not both?"

"Okay. I'll go grab whipped cream, cherries, nuts, and sprinkles, and if you wanna grab everything else, then we'll meet back here." They divide and conquer, and a few minutes later meet back up.

"Awesome! Alright, I think that's everything. Let's go check out!"

They get checked out and get back to the car. They put the groceries in the trunk, and started back on the road.

They stopped at a light, and he looked over at her, just so peaceful and content listening to the music, humming along. The light turned green, and he started going. All the sudden there was a screech, a loud crunch, and he felt a jolt, then succumbed to darkness.

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