Chapter 44

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Sitting in the car, AJ had put on some music for them to enjoy during their drive. They were holding hands and both were singing along.

"I'm glad to be back in the house. It's nice being back home." Gwen looked over at AJ smiling. "Not that I didn't enjoy staying with Katie and Kevin, I just know how much I enjoy being in my own place."

"Oh, I get it. I'm glad to be back too." He kissed her hand. "So, what sounds good after lunch?"

"We probably should go get some groceries. I know we got some staples before, but probably stocking up would be a good idea. There also was some fabric I wanted to look at that I saw the last time, but since we were in a rush, I didn't get to check it over."

"Okay. We can do that." He glanced over at her and smiled. He was always surprised that this gorgeous beauty beside him chose to be with him the rest of her life.

Gwen looked over at him, and marveled at him. She never understood what he saw in her. He was such a handsome guy, and he didn't realize it. She looked forward again, and saw the vehicle in front of them slam on their brakes. AJ slammed on his, trying to avoid impact. The attempt was futile though, and they slammed into the car.

Gwen looked over and saw AJ with blood trickling down his head. "No, no, NO!" She unbuckled and got in a better position to look at him. "AJ! AJ! No, come on Baby! Wake up!" She grabbed her phone and it was dead. "What?" She reached for AJ's phone in the console, and it was dead as well. "This can't be happening! What's going on?" She looked around and didn't see a road, but them in their driveway. AJ was still unconscious. "How—?" She thought for a moment. She pinched herself. It didn't hurt! I'm dreaming! Wake up Gwen! Wake up! Wake up!

Gwen opened her eyes. She was outside on the patio. She sat up and looked around. She saw AJ at his computer, working. She pinched herself. It hurt. She was back in reality. She got up and went inside. AJ looked up at her when she came in. "Hey. You okay?"

"I—" Just tell him. "I had a nightmare again. About a car wreck this time." She recounted the nightmare for him, and when she was done, he came over to her and embraced her.

"Oh, Honey." He stroked her back. "I know these can be scary. Thank you for telling me." He kissed her forehead.

"I just—" she took a shaky breath. "I hate that you are always the one getting hurt in my dreams. I don't want anything happening to you."

"That's probably why it happens. Because it's your fears coming to light."

She sighed. "It still doesn't make it any easier." A tear rolled down her cheek. She squeezed him tighter. He responded in kind, and kissed the top of her head.

"Just know, no matter what happens in your dreams, I am right here for you and with you." He leaned down and kissed her. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you. For everything." She squeezed him again. Her stomach then growled. "Evidently my stomach thanks you too." They both chuckled.

"Why don't we go find something to eat. Then you can go relax with a bubble bath, and I'll finish up working."

"Okay. What sounds good?"

"How about some pasta with veggies?"

"Sounds good. I'll help you."

They worked side by side with small talk. After everything was made, they served it and sat to eat. AJ ate some, but mostly pushed his food around to make it look like he ate more than what he did.

"I got a text from the landlord. She said we can come by and do a walkthrough tomorrow. I asked her about repainting, she said that it was fine. We can paint and then get back in next week. The insurance was able to replace most of the furniture, so we don't have to worry about that." AJ recounted what the landlord had told him.

"Good. Maybe we can get some paint samples together to see what we want to do."

"That's what I was thinking too. I have some ideas of what I think would look good."

"Okay." She finished her plate and put it in the sink. She walked back to him at the table. "Are you done, or are you still eating?"

"I'm still eating." He pushed more around. "You go ahead and get in your bath and go relax. I'll get the dishes cleaned up when I'm done."

"Are you sure? I can help—" He stood and cut her off with a kiss. She smiled into the kiss. "Okay, okay, I will listen to you." She giggled and headed to the bathroom.

AJ sighed. I hate lying to her about me eating, but I can't have her worrying about me either. She has enough on her mind at the moment. He emptied the food from his plate into a storage container, and filled it the rest of the way with the leftover food. Besides, it's just from stress. I'm sure I'll get my appetite back after all this is done with the house.

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