Chapter 50

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"So, according to my research, hypoglycemia is a condition in which your blood sugar level is lower than the standard range." Gwen read from her laptop."So, it's basically the opposite of diabetes. With diabetes your sugar goes too high, with hypoglycemia your sugar goes too low." She looked up at AJ, who had a thoughtful look to him. "This here says, 'When you haven't eaten for several hours and your blood sugar level drops, you will stop producing insulin. Another hormone from your pancreas called glucagon signals your liver to break down the stored glycogen and release glucose into your bloodstream. This keeps your blood sugar within a standard range until you eat again.' So, with your appetite waining the way it has, that affected your blood sugar to the point where your body went into panic mode, and you passed out."

"How can we stop it from happening again if I'm not any more hungry?" AJ asked.

"That would be a question for the doctor. Which we need to schedule." She looked up the doctor's number and gave it to him so he could get it set up.

After the appointment was set for the following afternoon, they felt they could relax a little more. Gwen went into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror

Gwen had really been going back and forth whether she could stay in their house or not. There were times she wasn't sure she could stay, but most of the time she's okay. She also knows AJ has a lot of memories with her tied up in the house. It was where they first met, where they shared their first kiss, and where she first said "I love you" to him. Those memories are the wonderful ones that they don't want to replace. However, being in a new place- one that is only theirs- would guarantee no more bad memories associated with the Grandparents. Gwen closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. She let it out slowly, still trying to decide what she should tell AJ. She finished up and exited the bathroom.

AJ knew being diagnosed with hypoglycemia would change their whole life around. Learning a new diet that we will adhere to will be a challenge, but I'll do it for myself and for Gwen. If anything, she deserves for me to stick around. She's done so much for me, and has stood by my side. This will be worth it. He had a determined look on his face. He concentrated back on his work and finished up what he needed to do.

After he packed his computer away, he joined Gwen in the living room. They decided to eat then head to bed early since Katie and Kevin would be coming home the next day. They also decided to make a big brunch for them.

AJ laid down and rested his head onto Gwen's lap. She started stroking his hair, causing him to fall asleep. She started humming a soft tune. She wasn't far off from falling asleep herself. She knew they both needed the rest. She grabbed her journal which was sitting beside her on the couch and wrote a bit more in it. She was cautious about AJ's new diagnosis, and doing all the research she did, she felt there were going to have plenty of questions for the doctor. She put the journal away and closed her eyes.

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