Chapter 22

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Gwen is sitting in the living room reading. Her sister calls and asks if she can come over.

"Of course. You know where we are, right?" Gwen confirms the address with her, and goes to advise AJ that her sister Jessica would be coming over. He was working at his computer, and said he'd probably be there most of the day.

"Please apologize to Jess for me. I hate being rude, but I need to get this done today."

"It's fine, I'm sure she'll understand." Gwen kisses AJ on the head and leaves the room.

Jessica shows up and they are enjoying some hot cocoa together. After some small talk, Jessica looks at Gwen.

"So, when were you going to tell me?" Jessica looks at Gwen slightly perturbed.

Gwen furrows her brow. "I'm sorry?"

"About the kidnappings and all the things that happened to you two. When were you going to tell me?"

"Jess, I—" Gwen gets cut off by Jessica holding up her hand.

"No. No excuses. You were just going to do it all yourself. Poor Gwendolyn, always alone, the middle child, never had any attention, always had to do things on her own."

"Jess, what—" Gwen gets cut off again by Jessica speaking over her.

"I've had it! You're not the victim here! Don't you think enough people have suffered being around you?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"It's a good thing you moved out here, away from the family. We don't want to be around you! You need to leave us alone since you have always thought you were alone!"

Gwen has tears streaming down her cheeks at this point.

"Aww, little miss wannabe victim is hurt. Good! You stay away from the family! You don't want to talk to us about things going on, then you stay away!" Jessica got up, strutted over to the door. "Goodbye for good!" She left, slamming the door.

AJ came out to Gwen, who was a crying mess. "Honey, what was that all about?" Gwen was sobbing into him. "Aww, it's alright. Come sit." He guided them to the couch and held her until she calmed down.

"What was that all about?" AJ motioned to the door.

Sniffling, Gwen told him what all Jessica had said. "Then she just stormed off! I've never seen her that angry, and I have no clue where all this came from!"

AJ was holding Gwen, and she felt him tense up. She sat back away from his embrace.


"Well, she's not wrong. A lot of things seem to happen to you, and you try to handle them yourself without asking for help. You are a pathetic woman, and it's sickening to see."

Gwen felt like she had been slapped. "Baby..." She could barely even form words to her thoughts right now.

"You have made me suffer for too long. I'm not putting up with it anymore."

"What?" Gwen was struggling to catch her breath. What was going on?

"We all just tolerate you, no one really likes you. I like to see you suffer, that's the only reason I stick around."

"AJ? What—" she was cut off by her tears. She couldn't believe the man she loved so deeply was saying such horrible things.

"I'm leaving. I never want to see you again!" He stood up and talked to the door and slammed it.

Gwen sat up with a jolt. She looked around, AJ laying by her side asleep. She took a shaky breath and some tears escaped. She got out of bed and headed to the living room with her journal. Writing what all happened in her dream, she closed it and started crying. What was this dream all about? She and Jessica have always been on good terms, Jess is the only immediate family she has out here. Everyone else is still on the east coast. Why would she have said any of that? I told Mom and Dad what all has happened, and have kept them up to date on what has been going on. They never have thought any of this, and neither have I! Gwen sets the journal down, wraps herself in the blanket from the back of the couch, curling up in the corner. Tears still coming, she closes her eyes and just lets it all out.

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