Chapter 43

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Bright and early the next morning, Kevin and Katie left to go on their trip. AJ and Gwen got up early to make breakfast and see them off. After they cleaned up, AJ went to work on his computer for a bit. Gwen went outside with her book and journal. She wrote her latest dream down and then picked up her book.

AJ was finding it hard to concentrate. Something was off. He had eaten, but only a little bit of eggs and one piece of toast. He rubbed at his face. He felt sluggish. He decided to try to drink some juice. He stood up and while walking, felt dizzy. Sounds started getting muffled. He stopped at the counter and put his head down, waiting for the feeling to pass. Once he felt a little better, he finished walking to the fridge and got the juice out. He grabbed a cup and poured some juice. Drinking it gingerly, he finished what he poured. He stood there a minute to compose himself. That was weird. Why would I almost pass out? He looked to the window where he could see Gwen. She was busy reading. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a few deep breaths. He was feeling like he could at least walk back to the table. He did so, and sat down. He wasn't back to how he should feel, but he at least could do simple tasks. He put his computer away and went over to the couch. He sat for a couple minutes, thinking of what just happened. Maybe my appetite has something to do with this? I haven't been that hungry lately. Could that make me feel like this? He sat pondering what all possibly could be going on with him.

Gwen came in just then. "Hey, you okay?" She looked at him with concern.

Don't worry her. "Yeah, I'm fine, just needed a distraction. How are you, beautiful?"

She smiled at him. "I'm okay. Just started getting a little bored out there."

"Did you want to do something? We can play a card or board game."

"Sure. Let's do a card game."

They played a few rounds then switched to a board game. Around lunchtime, they stopped and decided to walk to a nearby cafe. After ordering their food, they sat down and ate. Talking while only eating half of his sandwich, he wrapped the other half up and continued talking while Gwen finished up.

"So, I've been thinking, when we get back in the house, maybe we could repaint. I'll check it over with the landlord, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind. I'm wanting to do some changes around there."

"Okay, that sounds good. Changes would be good around there." She didn't seem her normal self.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"Honestly, I'm scared about going back home. I know they're gone, but I'm worried they will still haunt us."

"I know. I'm worried about what affects they will have on us psychologically once we're back in the house." He takes her hands in his. "But, we can't keep focusing on it like that. We won. We are still here. We have to live our lives proving we are stronger than they were. They're gone. We're here. Together."

She looked down. "I'm scared my nightmares will get worse. I'm doing alright with them now, but what will happen when we get back to ground zero? I feel like that's going to unleash new terrors."

He cupped the side of her face. "Even if that happens, I'll be right there beside you Baby. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." He kissed her hand. "I love you."

She smiled at him. Her fears weren't fully abated, but his words were helping. "Thank you Baby. I love you." She finished eating and they left. They walked hand in hand back to Katie and Kevin's.

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