Chapter 49

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"Baby, we'd better go. My appointment is in forty-five minutes." Gwen looked in on AJ at the table.

"Okay, let me finish up here and I'll be ready to go." He was typing away at his computer. A few minutes later he got up and put his computer away and went into the bedroom to get changed. Gwen grabbed her journal and the letter fell out again. What is with this thing? Why won't it stay now? She stuffed it back in her journal again. Hearing AJ coming out of the bedroom, she grabbed her purse and waited for him to make sure he had everything he needed. They headed over to the therapists office.

"Hello Gwen. How have you been?" Piper smiled at Gwen.

"Things have been... okay. I've gotten better about not wanting to leave and talking things through with AJ. I'm still having the nightmares but I'm able to redirect them just about every time now. We did a walkthrough of the house, and I started panicking and shutting down, but AJ helped me though it. We are going to try to repaint and redecorate the house, so hopefully that will help us not feel so... so... threatened by their previous presence, I guess would be what I'm trying to say." She hesitated, then said, "I'm actually really worried about AJ though. He hasn't been eating well lately, he collapsed yesterday. I walked inside to see him on the floor, like in some of my nightmares, and it terrified me. Luckily he came around really quickly. We went to urgent care and they should be calling with results either today or tomorrow from a blood test and a one-hour glucose test. I have no clue what will come of all that. We may have discovered something early, or it could just be caused by stress. It's just the uncertainty that scares me. What is going to happen? Is he sick? Is he going to..." she cuts herself off and takes a deep breath. "No, no, I can't think like that. But it still happens. I was so scared seeing him on that floor, pale as all get out and not responding to me. I just... I can't lose him. I love him too much to lose him without losing myself."

Piper looked at Gwen and her heart went out to her. "I get it. AJ is your world just like my husband is mine. I know that's a lot to have to deal with, your husband being sick on top of all you've dealt with the last couple months. But, I'm very proud of you. You did exactly what you needed to. You centered yourself and stopped yourself from all the negative talk."

Gwen smiled. "Thanks. I've been trying to work on it."

"It does show. Now, about these dreams..."

Gwen and Piper talked until her session was up. Coming back out to the waiting room, AJ could tell Gwen was more relaxed than before.

"How'd everything go?" He asked.

"It went well. Piper was a calming voice in the middle of a storm."

"Great to hear!" He smiled at her.

As they traveled, AJ's phone rang. He pulled over and answered the call. "Hello? This is he. Yes? Okay. Uh-huh. Alright, well, thank you. Uh-huh. You too. Bye."

AJ sighed as he hung up. "The results came back. I have what's called hypoglycemia. What that means is my body produces too much insulin, and my sugar can drop too low if I'm not careful. That's why I have been feeling dizzy and why I passed out, because my sugar was too low. Normal sugar readings are around 80-120. I need to schedule an appointment with our regular doctor, but that's what they found out."

Gwen looked at AJ. "How are you feeling about all this?"

AJ furrowed his brow. "I'm confused. But the sooner we get to a doctor, the better I'll be able to understand what all is going on."

Gwen took his hand and kissed it. "Just know, I'm by your side. No matter what. I'm here with you and beside you. I love you." She leaned over and kissed him, cupping his face in her hands.

He took her hands away from his face and kissed her hand. "I love you. Let's go on back to Kevin and Katie's. We can figure out more there." He got back on the road and they traveled back to Kevin and Katie's.

A Familiar PrisonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora