Chapter 31

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The doorbell rang, and AJ got up to let Jessica in. Gwen took a moment to steady herself before Jess came in the room.

Gwen stands, smiles, and gives her sister a hug when she comes into the room. AJ, able to see Gwen's face, sees the smile doesn't go all the way to her eyes like it normally would. She's still terrified. "Jess, do you want anything to drink?" Gwen asks, backing away from her sister momentarily.

"Water would be fine, thanks."

"Okay. Babe, anything for you?"

"Water for me too please."

Gwen goes to the kitchen and gets three water bottles. Returning with some snacks too, she sits next to AJ on the couch, having Jessica take the chair.

"So, how have you been?" Gwen asks Jessica, trying for small talk.

"Been doing good. Busy with work, but things have been good."

Gwen looks down at her hands. "Gwen, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's not a big deal. I've just been having a rough time after everything, and I'm just... I've not been myself lately."

"You have been through a lot the past couple years from what Mom told me, including the car wreck."

"I'll be fine. I'm just having some moments. It's no big deal." Gwen looked at AJ for help to go to another topic. He grabbed her hand.

"We've been looking for another car and have an appointment for tomorrow to go see a car we're thinking of. It's a Ford Focus hatchback. It's white and really cute."

"Aww, glad y'all are getting your car replaced. I know it is a hassle not having a car."

"Yeah. We got lucky we found a good one."

"So, about this visit..." Gwen's heart rate increased. AJ squeezed her hand a bit to help her settle and let her know he was there for her. "I have some news to tell you... I'm pregnant!"

Gwen smiled the first genuine smile since Jess got there. She stood up and hugged her sister. "Oh my gosh, that's so exciting! Congratulations! How far along are you?"

"Eight weeks. The doctor confirmed today. I actually was on my way from the doctor when I sent you the text."

Gwen sat back down and looked at AJ. "We are so happy for you." She smiled again, and AJ quickly squeezed her hand.

"Thanks! We're excited! Mom and Dad were over the moon when I called them."

"As they should be!" Gwen couldn't stop smiling.

After a little more chatting, Jess left. Gwen signed a huge sigh of relief. "Thank goodness that's what it was." AJ wrapped her in a hug.

"I know. I'm relieved too."

"I'm happy for them, but with my dream, it was a little concerning with her just texting out of the blue like that."

"I get it Honey. But it's all over now." He kissed her forehead. "I do have some work to do, so I'm going to be at the table if you need me. I love you."

"I love you." Gwen sighed again. She decided to write what all transpired in her journal now and would add the rest of her day to it before she went to bed.

Kevin and Katie came home from work and Gwen asked what they wanted for dinner. They decided on Baked Ranch Chicken. Gwen looked up the recipe on her phone and they all got to work. By the time AJ was finished with his work for the day, dinner was done. Katie had also made mashed potatoes and baked veggies to go with the chicken.

Everything was exquisite. Katie and Kevin cleared away the dishes, and AJ and Gwen said they'd wash everything up.

Gwen loaded the dishwasher while AJ washed the pots that wouldn't fit in there. Gwen got a mischievous look on her face. "AJ? Can you help me for a second please?" She had her back to him, so he didn't see her look.

"What's up?" He came over, she reached around and grabbed a handful of bubbles, and before he knew it, he had bubbles on his chest! "Oh! You wanna play that game, huh?" He smiled and started laughing when he in turn took some bubbles and put them on her cheek.

She giggled and took more bubbles and put them on his cheek. AJ then took a small handful and flung them towards her.

"Oh my goodness!" She said chuckling as the bubbles landed on her stomach. She flung some back at him, causing them to land on his head.

"Oh, it's on now!" They both were flinging bubbles and giggling. After a few moments and a big mess, Gwen took a step and slipped and fell on her bottom. "Baby, are you okay?" AJ kneeled beside her.

Giggling, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm good." She smiled at him, and leaned in to kiss him. After a few moments, they heard a throat clear behind them. They broke apart. Kevin and Katie were standing there. Gwen blushed and AJ just smiled.

"We came to check on you because we heard the commotion, but it looks like you both are doing alright." Kevin quipped. Katie giggled but was blushing as well. Gwen blushed harder at his words. AJ stood up and helped Gwen up. They both had soapy shirts and bottoms. They finished cleaning up the kitchen then got showers to clean themselves up.

All in all, a pretty good day except for the panic attack which AJ was there with me to help quell it. Gwen finished up her journal entry. She closed the journal and got into bed next to her love.

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