Chapter 55

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The next time AJ woke, Katie and Kevin were there talking quietly with Gwen. She was still sitting next to him, holding his hand.

"Hey, look who's awake." Kevin commented. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better." AJ deadpanned.

"Hey, come on, Babe. Let's not act that way. Do you need anything?"

"I could go for a little something to eat."

"I'll buzz the nurse." Gwen pushed the call button and advised the nurse AJ was awake and was asking about food.

"So, as I was saying, when we got there, our boss wasn't upset. She understood since we called and let her know what happened." Katie finished her story.

"I'm glad y'all didn't get in trouble."

The nurse came in and checked AJ's vitals. She also checked his blood sugar, which was on the lower end of the normal range. She allowed him to get some food after a blood draw.

After the nurse left, Kevin spoke. "We brought your phone, Gwen's journal, and extra clothes for you and Gwen."

"Thanks. Sorry about earlier. I just want to get out of here. Have they said about when that would be?" He looked to Gwen.

"Not yet. But hopefully soon." She looked at her watch. It was getting to be about dinner time. "I was thinking about getting something to eat."

"Oh, we can go to the cafe and grab something for you." Katie said. Kevin nodded. "That way you can stay here."

Gwen smiled at Katie. "Thanks Kate. I guess just get me a grilled chicken salad please."

"Sure thing." Katie and Kevin left the room.

"I am sorry about how I acted earlier. I'm just moody I guess."

"It's okay. You're forgiven." She paused and sighed. "I know it's difficult being in a hospital bed for what feels like forever, feeling exhausted when you've just slept hours on end, and not really feeling like your needs are getting met. I understand, Baby." She took his hand. "I've been there too."

"I know." AJ spoke quietly thinking of the car accident and the time she was in the hospital after her first kidnapping. AJ wanted to get her thoroughly checked over since she was hit over the head with a bat multiple times. "I really am sorry. It's tough not knowing what is going on, how to prevent it, and to know what to do when it happens." He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

Gwen smiled at him. "I just- I want you better. We're supposed to be going back to the house here in a few days, which means once we're free of here, we need to pick out colors and paint."

"So we're going to stay in the house?"

"Yeah, for now. If it gets too bad for me, I can always talk to you about moving again later on."

"Okay." AJ felt something was off with Gwen, like there was something she was hiding. "Honey, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, perfect."

"Gwen, you've never been able to lie to me."

"It's nothing, I promise."

"Please? Please don't shut me out, Honey."

She closed her eyes and cleared her throat. "Do—do you remember the letter you wrote me?"

"Of course."

"Something I— I didn't tell you then... I wrote one to you as well. But it wasn't anything like what you wrote me. It— it was a goodbye letter. I was going to leave it somewhere you'd find it, but after I left and had no intentions on returning. But you— you gave me your letter, and it stopped me from leaving. But I still had my letter burning a hole on me. The reason I'm bringing it up now is because it keeps falling out of my journal, and if I happen to drop it and you see it, I want you to know that it's an old letter, and that I am not going anywhere now. In fact, I was going to suggest when we got home for us to burn it together."

"Thank you for telling me this Honey. I know it took a lot of courage. We can burn it when we home, that's not a problem."

Feeling a huge weight off her shoulders, she smiled. Katie and Kevin came in with food then and they ate. Katie and Kevin had to go, so they promised to stop back another day if he had to stay much longer.

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