Chapter 54

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Beeping. Machines whirring. Tubes. What? AJ starts opening his eyes, and is blinded by florescent lights. He shuts them again quickly. Knowing what to expect this time, he slowly opens his eyes allowing them to adjust. He sees Gwen hunched in the chair beside him, sleeping. He starts looking around, trying to figure out why he's in a hospital bed. She stirs upon feeling him moving and opens her eyes.

"Baby! Oh my goodness!" She sits up and hugs him as best as she can. She pushes the call button and advises them AJ is awake.

"What— what happened?" AJ asked confused.

"Well, what do you remember?"

"We were watching a movie in our room, and then we went to sleep."

"Oh. Well—" Gwen was interrupted by a knock on the door.

The nurse came in and checked over AJ. His vitals were good, his blood was drawn, and the nurse said the doctor would be in shortly.

"Umm, as I was saying, evidently you got up in the middle of the night and checked your sugar, and it was thirty five."

AJ got pale. "Th-thirty five?"

"Yeah. You must have been going to get something to eat because I found you passed out in the kitchen. We called the ambulance and you've been here ever since."

"How— how long have I been here?"

"We've been here for about 12 hours now."

"Oh." His face fell.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Honey"

"Baby, look at me. You have nothing, and I mean nothing to be sorry for. You're sick, and we're taking care of you."

"I feel like it's my fault. If I'd just be able to eat..."

"Please, Baby, don't think that way. None of this is your fault. We are getting you the help you need. Please, please don't blame yourself at all. We don't need the blame game." She leaned in and kissed him.

The doctor came in and looked over AJ. He was starting to feel a little light headed, so the doctor took the blood meter and checked his sugar. He was at 68. "Have you had anything to eat or drink today?"

"No." AJ answered. "I haven't eaten anything since last night at home."

"Okay. We'll get you some food, then we'll want to monitor your sugars and see what is happening with them."

"Okay." AJ said closing his eyes. He was starting to feel tired again.

"Is there a way to get him something right now?" Gwen asked, eyeing AJ. She knew he wouldn't be able to stay awake for food very long.

The doctor looked at AJ as well. "I'll have the nurses get him some juice and crackers for now."

"Thank you." AJ and Gwen both said together. Gwen smiled. He was still so sweet when he was sick.

She walked over to the doctor for a quiet conversation. "Will I need to keep him awake until those items arrive?"

"No, he should be okay to sleep until food gets here. It won't take long."

"Okay, thank you." She walked back to AJ, who had drifted off to sleep already. "My Poor Baby." She stroked his head, brushing his hair back away from his forehead.

A few minutes later the nurse came in with a few orange juice cups and some crackers with peanut butter spread. "Here you are. I brought extra for you, too. If you need anything else, let us know."

"Thanks." Gwen woke AJ to eat the snacks, then he went back to sleep. She nibbled on her own crackers and tried to no avail to keep her mind occupied with things other than AJ being sick. She was worried about AJ, of course. She prayed over him again, feeling that's about all she could do right now.

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