Chapter 51

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"Andrew?" The nurse called him back. Gwen stayed in the waiting room.

"Call me AJ, please."

"Okay, AJ. Let's get your height and weight for our records." They step to the scale and the nurse records down his weight. "And turn with your back to the wall." She then recorded his height. "Okay, let's go into room 3 and Dr. Jones will be in with you shortly."

"Thank you." He sat down and waited for the doctor. A little bit later the doctor came in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Killian Jones." He held out his hand.

"Andrew Pinkerton- but I prefer AJ." AJ took it, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you. So, what seems to be going on?"

AJ informed him that he and Gwen had some traumatic experiences, what had happened with Gwen, and now what had been going on with him up through going to the urgent care. "I'm still not feeling very hungry, but I know if I don't take care of myself, I can end up in the hospital or worse, and I can't do that to Gwen or myself. I need to be there for her."

"Well, that does explain a lot. I did get your test results from the urgent care, and I'll say I think this hypoglycemia might be temporary. With what all you've been through, it's a wonder nothing happened to you until now. But if you've been caring for your wife and thinking and worrying over her, I can see why it wouldn't have come up yet."

"Okay, what exactly can I do about it? Even if I have a name for this, if I'm not hungry, I can't force myself to eat. So how would I overcome those hurdles?"

"Eating smaller meals, but more frequently is always something I suggest. In your case, I think possibly once the stress is gone, then you'll go back to normal blood sugars, and then of course eating normally."

"Really, that's it? Seems simple enough to be able to do."

"It is quite simple. Now, you need to remember, this is just speculation, but because of all the stress you've been under, it's a possibility this is temporary. But It's not a guarantee it is temporary. Either way, following the food pyramid is always a great example of what to eat and what not to eat." They talked a little bit more with Dr. Jones explaining more of the ins and outs of hypoglycemia.

"Okay. Well, I appreciate you taking the time to talk with me."

"Of course. We're there any other areas of concern you wants to address?"

"Not at this time, thanks!"

"We'll, it was nice meeting you, AJ." Killian and AJ shook hands again.

"Likewise! Enjoy your day!" After the doctor walked out of the room, AJ went to the front to check out, and then got Gwen and they left.

"So, how'd it go with the doctor?" AJ recounted the suggestions to Gwen. "Really, it seems easy enough."

"That's pretty much what I said too."

"Well, we will get through this no matter how long it stays around." She grabbed his hand and kissed it. "I love you."

"I love you. So, Kevin and Katie should be back in about 3 hours. Did we want to do a welcome home meal for them?"

"Ooh, yeah, we can do goulash! It's been a while since we've made it."

"Alright, sound good!"

They get back to the house and prep all the food. Closer to their arrival, they start making everything. When Katie and Kevin got back, the food was ready. Katie and Kevin told them all about their vacation, and AJ recounted their time. They reassured them that AJ would be okay and that hypoglycemia is something easily dealt with. They all enjoyed their meal, and played a board game before turning in for the night.

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