Chapter 36

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"I've been thinking," AJ said once they were seated and the server had taken their order "maybe we should talk about... the next steps in our life."

"Next steps?" Gwen's heart started racing. What in the world is he talking about? Has he fallen out of love with me? Is he thinking of leaving? What have I done? Maybe I should leave before he gets the chance.

"Yeah, next steps. Once we're back in the house. What did we want to do then? Did we want to move because of all the bad memories associated with that house, or did we want to just stay there and make better ones?"

"Oh." Her brows furrowed together. "Umm, I hadn't thought about that. What do you want to do?" She looked to him.

"I do like the house and where we are, but if it's going to cause too many bad memories for you, we can move. I'm just looking out for your best interest."

Gwen thought a moment. "Let's stay in the house. We can rearrange or redecorate if we need to, but I like our house too. It would be a shame to let it go."

He smiled at her. "That's what I was thinking too."

Their meals arrived and they ate. AJ and Gwen had some small talk, but nothing very intense. AJ couldn't finish his food, so he got a box to take it home.

They got home and Katie and Kevin were still out on their date. AJ put his food in the fridge and got on his computer. He still had some work to finish. Gwen got a book and read for a bit.

After a bit, she headed back to their room, put the book away, and got her journal. She decided to write her day so far down so she wouldn't have as much to write later on. She wrote, then put her diary away. She then got her computer out and was playing a couple games when AJ came back to their room. He was tired, but thankfully finished with work for today. He got ready for bed and climbed in. Gwen followed suit, but couldn't sleep. She got back out of bed and went to the kitchen, finding Kevin sitting at the table.

"Gwen, fancy seeing you up. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just couldn't sleep. I was thinking of going for a walk."

Katie came into the kitchen just then. "I'll go with you if you'd like." She offered.

"Sure. I'll go get ready." Gwen took off to her room, wrote a quick note for AJ, got dressed again and met Katie at the front door. They exited, and started on their evening stroll.

"So, how have things been going? You had a doctor appointment earlier, didn't you?"

"Yeah, the doctor said everything was on schedule, my arm is healing nicely."

"How did your session with Piper go?"

"Pretty good, I guess. These last couple dreams really freaked me out though. I did tell her you told me a couple other techniques to help realize if it's a dream. She approved of them. She said she was actually going to recommend the pinching method if I was still getting stuck."

"See? Therapist approved!" Katie joked.

"Although, I am concerned about AJ. He and I have gone through all this together, yet he doesn't seem to have been affected by any of it. I know a lot of my trauma has been at the forefront, but what about how he has been or is going to handle the reality of it? What is he going to do? He hasn't been having nightmares, he hasn't been to therapy, he seems perfectly normal with all that has happened, but I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop... when is he going to have the reality check that being with me is risky and dangerous? With how Granny kidnapped me, held him hostage, and made us fight for our lives, when will he decide it's enough and leave me?" A few tears slipped down Gwen's cheeks.

Katie stepped in front of Gwen and took her hands. "Hey, now, none of that. Gwen, look at me." Gwen looked to Katie, tears streaming. "AJ loves you so much. G, I've known him for almost 10 years now, and I've never seen him happier than when he is with you. He is not going anywhere. I can promise you that. The way he looks at you is beautiful and a once in a lifetime love." Katie smiled at Gwen. "You look at him the same way, too. I've seen it. You two are made for each other, and you will get through this together."

Gwen sniffled and wiped her face. "I'm sorry, I've just been holding all that in, and I just... I'm scared he will just be done with me because of everything."

"G, please believe me when I say this: AJ is not going anywhere. He loves you so much, and all he wants is to make you happy."

They continued on their walk, Gwen mulling over Katie's words. She knows he does love her, but there's always that thought in the back of her head...

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