Chapter 38

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Kevin came out to the kitchen and saw Gwen on the couch in the living room. She was awake, but seemed to be in her own world. She didn't look good. Kevin quietly went back to his room and got Katie. Maybe Katie could help Gwen. She seemed to be okay last night. Must have been another nightmare. Katie goes over to Gwen and sits down. "Gwen?" Katie softly tries to get Gwen's attention. Gwen looks towards Katie, but Katie can tell she's only looking through her. "G, what happened?"

Gwen doesn't say anything, but looks down at her hands while tears start streaming.

"Oh, Gwen. It's okay." Katie embraced her. "Was it another nightmare?" Gwen nodded.  "Can you tell me what happened?" Gwen shook her head. "Okay, did you write it down?" Gwen nodded. "Do you mind if I read it?" Gwen shrugged. "Okay. I'll go get your journal, I'll be right back."

Katie went to their room, knocked and opened the door and saw AJ sitting up in bed, not quite fully awake yet. Katie told AJ that Gwen had another nightmare, and she was not doing good. Katie grabbed the journal while they both headed to the living room.

"Gwen? Honey, are you okay?" He slowly sat beside her and started rubbing her back. She started to recoil from AJ's touch. He stopped, looked over at Katie and Kevin with a panicked look.

Katie meanwhile had just read the nightmare. "AJ, you might want to read this." She handed him the journal.

Reading over the nightmare, AJ knew where Gwen's mind went. She was going to flee. She was going to try to "protect him" and leave. His heart sank. "I'm going to call Piper. Do not leave her alone. Period." There was such a tone in his voice, no one dared to argue.

Great. I have to leave a message. "Hello, this message is for Piper. This is Gwen Pinkerton's husband, AJ. I was calling to see if we could fit Gwen in for an emergency appointment? She had another bad nightmare last night and honestly I fear she will leave. Please call me back so we can get her scheduled. Thank you." He hung up the phone and sighed. A tear rolled down his cheek. Baby, please just stay with me and talk to me. Let me in your mind.

He wiped the tear away and walked back to the living room. Gwen was still in her semi-catatonic state, and Katie was sitting next to her.

Kevin had Gwen's journal now, and had read over the last nightmare. He was worried for both of his friends at this point.

AJ told Katie he left a message for Piper, and hopefully she will return it soon. He sat beside Gwen. She made no move toward him. He was at a loss as to what to do. He only could comfort her, but she wouldn't even let him do that.

Katie tried talking to Gwen. "G, will you talk to AJ?" She shook her head. "Will you talk to Kevin?" Again her head shook. "What about me?" She shrugged. "Would you tell Piper what's going on?" Again she shrugged. "Okay, let's start with me. Do you want me to have the guys go in another room and we can talk, just the two of us?" Gwen hesitated, then nodded. Katie looked up at AJ and Kevin. They both heard what was said and walked over in the other room.

"Okay, G. They're not in here anymore. Can you tell me what is going through your mind?"

"AJ dead. Me not protecting him. Granny holding a baseball bat. AJ dead. It's all my fault. Leaving would protect him from me."

"G..." Katie trailed off empathetic to Gwen's plight. "You know we are here for you. Please talk to us and let us in. The Grandparents and the Child are not alive anymore, you don't need to worry about them. Nothing more will happen because of them to you or AJ, I promise." She glanced towards the doorway. "AJ loves you so much. You know nothing will happen to you as long as he's around. He is not going anywhere. He is sticking by your side no matter what. If you leave, he will track you down, no matter what you say." Gwen looked up at Katie. "I'm going to send your husband in here, and I want you to open up to him please. We are all so worried for you, and we just want you to know you are safe, and you are loved." She squeezed her hand and got up.

AJ had been right around the corner, so he heard his cue to come in. He walked over to her and sat beside her. She looked at him. "I love you, and I'm not going anywhere. Baby, please let me in. I know what happened in the nightmare, but I am right here, right beside you, as I always will be." He moved closer to her to hold her. She leaned her head into his shoulder. He lifted her chin so he could look at her face. He leaned towards her and kissed her. She started kissing him back. She's responding! He broke away and smiled at her. "I love you. I'm right here for you, forever and always."

She smiled weakly back at him. "I love you too. I just... I have so many questions. Why am I having these nightmares? They have to mean something, so what do they mean? Am I going to lose you to some psycho who kills you with blunt force trauma? Am I going to lose you to two psychos who like to play Grandparents to people that aren't their own? If I left, I will be saving you from any crazy things that would happen because of me. Yes, the Grandparents are gone, but what about the next person who hurts you because of me?" Tears were streaming down her face.

He got down in front of her and wiped her tears for her, then grabbed her hands. "Honey, I don't care if a million psychos chase after me or hurt me- I married you because I love you and I want to live the rest of my life with you, and only you. No one else. I don't care who tries to come after me. As long as I have you by my side, it doesn't matter. I only want you with me." He kissed her again. "As for why you're having these nightmares, your subconscious is trying to work through everything. You're still scared from all the attacks they bestowed upon you. You are so strong for going through all this and coming through to the other side." He kissed one of her hands. "Honey, you have made me so proud to be your husband. More proud than you would ever imagine. I know this whole ordeal has been a major struggle for us, but we are going to get through this together. We can't run off and desert each other. I am not going anywhere, I promise. Can you make the same promise to me?" He looked at her until she looked him in the eyes. She saw the pleading in his eyes for her to stay. For her to be with him. For her to believe him. For her to trust him.

"Yes." Gwen kissed him, then he pulled her into an embrace. She still felt uneasy about the dream, but AJ would be there with her. As long as she had him, she could conquer anything.

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