Chapter 48

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Waking up with a start, Gwen sat up. It wasn't quite dark, but it was early evening. Looking around, she didn't see or hear anyone. She was still in the couch, AJ must have gotten up not too long ago, the cushion was still warm where he had been. She stood and went towards the kitchen. "AJ?" She called out for him, but heard no response. "Baby? Where'd you go?" She looked in the dining room and didn't see him. Going to their room, she saw her journal on the desk. Not knowing why, she felt the need to pick it up and take it with her. Grabbing it, she headed to the living room. She heard water running in the bathroom. "At least I've found AJ." She sat back down on the couch with her journal. She opened it up and her letter she wrote fell out. Hearing AJ leaving the bathroom, she hid the letter quickly in the journal. She was ashamed she still had it. She knew she should have thrown it out a while ago, like Piper had suggested. Why did I even keep it? Gwen opened her journal to a blank page and started writing. AJ came and sat down next to her.

"Hey beautiful." He kissed her forehead. He saw a weird look on her face, like she was guilty. "You okay?"

Forcing a smile, she looked at him. "Yeah, I'm fine."

He looked in her eyes. "Honey, what's wrong?"

She looked down at her hands. "It's nothing. It's silly, really."

"Gwen, please." He put his finger under her chin and tilted her head up.

"It's silly. I just— I woke up and you were gone."

AJ's face fell. "Oh, Honey. I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd wake up yet. I was in the bathroom."

"I know, it's okay. Like I said, it was silly." She put her head down not looking him in the eyes.

"Hey. Look at me." She looked up. He saw the tears brimming her eyes. "Baby, with all we've been through, it's more than understandable for you to panic if I'm gone, especially with how your nightmares are." He embraced her and kissed the top of her head. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Really." She looked up at him. "Yes, I panicked, but all turned out fine. You're here, and that's all that matters."

"Okay." He held her a few more minutes. "Are you getting hungry?" He wasn't really, but figured it'd take up some time to make dinner then eat, which would keep his mind occupied from what was at the forefront.

"A bit. Did you want to order something or did you want to make something?"

"Let's make something.What about Baked Chicken and Veggies?"

"That sound good. I'll help you prep." They head into the kitchen and get the chicken and veggies ready to go in the oven. Once it's prepped, they put the pan in the oven and set the timer.

"How about a board game to pass the time?" AJ walked over to the board games.

"Sure. You pick."

He grabbed one and brought it to the table. They got it set up and played a few rounds. After their dinner was done, AJ cleaned up the dishes. Gwen loaded the dishwasher while AJ washed what wouldn't fit.

They then settled onto the couch and picked a movie out. After the movie, they went back to their room. Gwen wrote in her journal the events of the day while AJ got ready and got into bed. AJ was hoping to hear some news from the clinic the next day. They got into bed and AJ held Gwen until they fell asleep.

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