Chapter 16

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Okay, here goes. I'm just supposed to empty my mind onto this thing, so I'll just tell about my day. I did have two nightmares last night. The same ones I normally do- Granny and Grandpa chasing me and me barely escaping. But continuing on, AJ and I had a nice morning. We had breakfast alone- Katie and Kevin had a meeting for work. After breakfast, AJ talked to our landlord- the house is coming along well. She said we can try to get back in probably in about three more weeks. As for a car, we have been looking around online to see what is available for when the insurance check comes through. We took a walk around the neighborhood just to get out of the house for a little bit. We came back and played a board game. Kevin and Katie came back and we all had lunch. After, we all watched a movie. AJ had to work for a bit after the movie, so I just talked with Katie for a while. Then I sat down and read for a bit. I decided to make Chicken Alfredo for dinner. It was pretty good. We had garlic bread with it and salad. After dinner, we all played a board game, then a couple card games. AJ and I were starting to get tired after the last card game, so we got ready for bed and came to bed. He's already asleep, and I'm writing my day in here. I really don't know what I would do without him. He has been my rock throughout all this chaos. I don't know if he'll ever understand how grateful I am for him—that we met, fell in love, and got married. He truly is my hero.

Gwen sighed, straightened up, and stretched. She read over what she wrote then closed the journal. Today had been a pretty mild day. She was glad she started journaling today rather than a busy day. She got up and paced around the room a bit. She was tired, but apprehensive to go to sleep. Maybe if she wore herself out more... She left the bedroom and found Katie still in the living room. Kevin had already gone to bed as well.

"Hey, I didn't think you'd still be up." Katie said, sipping a mug of hot cocoa.

"Yeah, I journaled and couldn't sleep after that. Do you wanna go for a walk? I'm thinking maybe it'll wear me down."

"Sure, let me grab my shoes."

"I'll get my jeans back on. I'll be back."

Gwen went back to her room, wrote a note for AJ in case he woke up, and changed into her jeans again. She went back to the living room to get her shoes. Katie was already ready.

"Okay, let's go." Gwen headed out the door first.

They walked a few moments in silence. "Thanks for coming with me." Gwen breaking the silence said to Katie.

"Of course! I wasn't tired anyway. But I do want to ask— how are things going with you? I know it's been really difficult for you lately."

"It's— it's still a struggle. To be honest, I'm scared to go to sleep. I don't want to willingly go to sleep when I know they'll be waiting on the other side of consciousness, and I'm terrified to find out what they're going to do."

Katie looked sorrowfully at her friend. "I'm so sorry. I do wish there was something we could do for you."

"Are you kidding? You and Kevin have been the best friends anyone could ever have. Letting us stay with you until our house is fixed, letting us use your car until we get a new one, just being there in general for us... you guys have surpassed what I thought friends would ever do for me."

"G, you know we'd do it all again too. We love you guys like family. We're more than happy to help out." Katie gave Gwen a hug. "It sounds like this therapist is really helping you."

"I've only had one session, Kate. She seems a little unorthodox, but I'm willing to try it out. If it doesn't work, then we'll have to try medication, which I'd rather not do. I'd rather try to get rid of these nightmares without drugs."

"It's understandable. I know that's how I am too."

They walked a few more moments in silence. They came around the corner to Katie's house and walked up the driveway.

"Thanks for walking with me. I'd rather not be alone at night... or any time."

"No problem! It was nice. Maybe we should do this every night to wear you out? Maybe if you're too tired, you won't have any— or as many— nightmares."

"That's an idea. I'll let you know how tonight goes."

They get inside and go to their respective rooms, bidding each other good night.

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